The Words of the Fotso Family |
Home Church Leader Tamo (in the dark blue shirt) doing street
cleaning with young people in the city of Douala, Cameroon, which
though not the capital is a major city with the nation's primary
business district, the largest port and the main airport.
Our family has recently returned to Yaounde Cameroon from a national tour for teaching about home church and Vision 2020. My husband Jacob is a Cameroonian that joined in France in 1972 and I joined in Germany in 1969. I had been the original German missionary to Australia, Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo (then Zaire). Ernst (our oldest son) travelled with us; he came back from UK where he had a well-paid job as a professional horse trainer but he told us that he wants to help us for the tribal messiah activities. Our daughter is still in the United Kingdom, where she is working as a UPI; youth leader and our younger son also works in London. We share all our activities with them and they help us to survive and pay for the repairs of our twenty-one-year-old car that takes us everywhere.
Ernst drives our car and we usually take George (a blessed Cameroonian member) with us; he is the regional home church leader for Yaounde and thus one of my assistants.
We have created a system in Cameroon such that each region has a home church leader who follows up all blessed families in his area to report to me and to the national leader, Ms. Lau Khonde Asong, about the trials and advancements of the home churches. It was Mama Lau Asong who sent me on the national tour.
Jacob and I had a firsthand experience when True Father established the home church providence in 1978 in London; we worked with Rev. Won Pil Kim there. In 1980, I was sent to the Democratic Republic of the Congo once more to establish the home church providence there. I had set up a system in which five team leaders were responsible for nine members (three trinities). We had fifty full-time home church pioneers and through them, we laid the foundation for the victory of the D RC of today.
We are aware that we are late in Cameroon and all over the world regarding the home church providence. Foundation Day could not be postponed and although the vertical indemnity had been paid by True Parents the horizontal foundation for the substantial Cheon II Guk has to grow from our home church activities.
All we do on earth is registered in Heaven. When we walk through our home church area, many conscientious spirits accompany us who would like to relate to their relatives through us. Once we have counted our 360 homes we are the chiefs of our territory. We then have the chance to connect those families to the will of God, our Heavenly Parent. There is no Abel without Cain and no tribal messiah without creating a foundation of substance between the Cain and Abel tribes (home church and hometown).
Absolutely, we have to establish the original order on earth. True Father explained to us that there is a hierarchy and a natural order in the spiritual world but confusion on earth. If for instance a flood would enter a marketplace and sweep people away, all might be in a different place in the spiritual world although they had been selling and buying some minutes ago in the same market place on earth. Some who had been masters may be bound and not even able to move although some who had been bullied or controlled by others on earth might be free and happy.
All depends on our level of heart. Through heart, True Father created the foundation to liberate all nations. On the altar of our home church, which represents the world, we can inherit his victory. There, we can find all types of people -- ministers, lawyers, teachers and housewives but also prostitutes, fools and beggars. If we cannot succeed in home church, it will be difficult to meet True Father in the spiritual world because we would not have experienced his heart and emotions enabling us to enter his realm. Jesus said that where two or three people pray together he is in their midst. However, Jesus may appear to countless believers at the same time. They may believe that Jesus came to meet them but through their sincerity, they laid the condition to move spiritually to the realm where Jesus is Lord.
Ernst writing on hoard while translating for his mother; Right: A
workshop for second-generation members in Cameroon
Here in Africa, so many spiritual churches spring up like mushrooms. Sometimes we find more than three in a home church area. This is a phenomenon of the Last Days. Unfortunately, people do not understand that preachers who cast out evil spirits in the name of Jesus may not even work with Jesus but with spirits who abide in the New Testament realm claiming miracles centered on grace by faith. Those spirits may have some merits to help people on earth but those miracles are not lasting if people do not change their lives. In addition, they do not have a clear understanding of responsibility or indemnity and sometimes complicate many situations. Jesus did miracles in an effort to get people to believe in him. A tribal messiah can go further than Jesus did because Jesus did not have the foundation of a tribe that believed in his teachings. After his death, Jesus gathered his disciples, appeared to them and established a foundation of substance on the spiritual level with them. Thus after forty days, they could be spiritually born of the Holy Spirit.
Here in Africa, there is another problem, because Africans in general did not overcome tribalism. Throughout generations, African chiefs had sold slaves, which they had gained in tribal wars. However, it seems that they did not repent for nor indemnify this and thus there is no change; tribalism is rampant on an emotional level.
This is why it is so important to gain victory in our 360 homes here in Africa as we meet and love members of all tribes. Our 360 home churches represent the world of Cain. True Father explained that we have to love the 360 homes more than we do our own children. Even the chief of a gangster unit can love his own son and his own clan; there is nothing special about this. However, the sons and daughters of God have to love their enemies.
I have worked in four African countries and realized some facts. True Father had explained that members have to serve the 360 homes before they serve their own tribe otherwise they are vulnerable to attack.
In the African traditional tribal system, the chiefs are supposed to have mystical powers, while so-called witch doctors surround them. Usually they are quite aware of the spiritual world since they work with the lower level spirits that are earthbound and haunt others. They may flatter our members by proposing to make them chiefs or leaders of the community if they enter the village traditions or chiefdoms. They promise that after this they all will follow the Divine Principle. However, it is dangerous for our members to follow their rituals or enroll in traditional chiefdoms. Our members must not enter into any spiritual hierarchy not established by True Parents. Many chiefdoms or spiritual institutions have historical sins or a bloody or criminal history that our members cannot take responsibility for. Our mission is to teach the truth and connect all to True Parents so that everyone can bear his or her own responsibility. We have witnessed cases of members trapped by such chiefdom dying or going crazy.
Jesus was tempted by Satan, who offered the world if Jesus knelt down. True Father had to go to the Hungnam prison because of the failure of Christianity but even in that hell he did not how to the conditions imposed on him. He even ate less than what was offered to him and did more work than what was asked. He was the absolute subject of all situations. Home church is the final court case for us. We bring judgment to those who receive the truth, and we are judged for how we transmit it.
In Douala and Yaounde, a member gives invitations to the people in his home church area and the following Sunday, blessed members come from many other home church areas and support his conference. Every Sunday it rotates; another home church area gets that privilege. In the meantime, those guests who are interested to attend seminars of one or two days are taught in the local church center or in the original home church area.
In our own house in Yaounde, we had many horse stables around our yard. We transformed them all into visitors' rooms. We put our seven horses in the countryside, where we built a common stable. We now have twelve beds in rooms that were previously stables and thus we can have seminars any time.
We created an office outside to welcome visitors. There is also a hall to teach the Divine Principle, beside which are a kitchen and a prayer room. Our spiritual children take care of everything when we travel.
Cameroonian National Leader Lau Asong (center right) among Youth
Federation for World Peace members. Right: Mr. and Mrs. Kamga Fotso
visiting a Filipino sister blessed to a Cameroonian.
For example in our 360 homes lives a retired lady. She is highly educated and has been for a great part of her life a school director for public schools in Cameroon. She only knew us as a team who plays "Father Christmas" on horseback, distributing presents to schools at the closing feast at end of year (Christmas holidays). An activity we did for several years.
One night, I went to her house with Ernst and Oscar, one of our spiritual children, to explain to her about True Father's life as a great religious leader. She immediately bought True Father's autobiography and started to read it. We still visited her family a few more times; discussed many issues related to the neighborhood and gradually about her family and her. Soon, she came to our house for a workshop and followed Divine Principle study. I was happy to see how she took all notes of "the Divine Principle" in a small notebook although she had been teaching teachers in her profession. She was very moved, especially about by the explanation on the" fall of man." She is very positive about our movement and about UPF as we invited her to some UPF events.
Our son Ernst lives in one of the outside rooms because there are always guests to take care of. After the presentations, we invite them inside the main house to discuss what they have heard or to see educational movies. When they go out to sleep, Jacob and I stay and work at night on schoolbook editions for Cameroon.
We believe that each blessed couple should adjust their home in such a way as to create a public area to lodge and teach their friends. True Father said that without home church there is no heaven. He said, "In the home church I created there is no religion and no providence of God. It is the place where the people of Heaven live."
Any position on earth will pass away but "tribal messiah" will remain an eternal title. If we are aligned, miracles will happen around us each day. Please come and visit us in Cameroon.