The Words of the Gaarder Family |
When I brought my Wish Paper (Gold) and attended the Fulfillment of Wishes Papers Prayer during the Summer Special Great Works, I prayed hard for the reunion of my family and for normal hearing. I shed many tears and prayed hard during this time. It is so difficult to have any confidence when you don't have a family to return home to. My parents don't live together and my sisters moved out when they were young. After praying and crying I offered up this Wish Paper, and that night I called home to my mother, she said, "I will move back in with dad and try to work it out." Also it is possible to have a surgery now, to help my hearing develop. Isn't that amazing!
My hearing problem is hereditary, so I was afraid to be have kids, but after praying hard and doing many bows to decide what to do, I came to Chung Pyung and asked Dae Mo Nim for help. She said not to worry and that the hereditary problem will be taken care of. Since it was a Satanic attack while I was inside the womb.
I am so grateful to Heung Jin Nim, Dae Mo Nim and Hoon Mo Nim for everything they have done for me and all the 2nd Gen! Love Branch
Branch Gaarder, 17 years old, 2nd gen, Denver Church, USA