The Words of the Hirae Family |
Myung Moon, May 24, 2011
This is a short summary of the sermons with snippets from the most recent ones. Worship Service at Fukuoka church, Western Japan:
About 2 million of Father's autobiography had been handed out in Japan. This only pertains to those reported to the Japan church.
The wrap around for the Japanese pocket-sized version had been changed from color yellow to blue.
About 10 members have completed giving out the 430 memoirs. I'm not sure if this refers to the whole of Japan, or only in our area here.
Last August, a 3 day condition of distributing Father's memoirs was done in front of Fukuoka church and about 2100 copies were given out.
A national 40-day condition is also currently being offered by Japan church members.
This will most probably last until the end of this month. One of the purposes of this condition is for Father to be able to enter Japan.
The Mormon Church is prospering. Most people in Las Vegas are Mormons.
Why is it spreading?...
Buddha didn't teach about God so he's really repenting in the Spirit World...
Evil spirits are listening to what you're saying. Words have spirit.
When you do wrong, you have to apologize. Same feeling, same attitude we carry into the SW.
Our responsibility as tribal messiahs is to restore 430 families....