The Words of the Kiburtz Family |
Chung Hwan Kwak addresses theologians and scholars at New ERA seminar
in Portugal.
If the success of any conference could be noted by the number of participants alone, this conference was a success! But more important was the transformation each individual experienced as the week unfolded and as the Principle in word and deed was laid before them. It was not only a gift to those who accepted one of the hundreds of invitations sent out, but an opportunity to be honestly critical and self-reflective as well.
The setting for the fourth Introductory Seminar on Unification Theology was Cascais, Portugal, a fishing village resort a short drive from Lisbon. One hundred fifty participants from 30 countries, including wives and families, gathered on July 30th at the Estoril-Sol Hotel to begin the seminar.
As a result of the theologians' conference "God: The Contemporary Discussion" held at the end of 1981, the group was an interesting inter-religious mixture. Many participants were getting their first view of the Unification Church and were unusually inquisitive in a fresh way. Others were reserved and slightly skeptical. The recent July 1st wedding stirred interest in the Unification blessed families, and helped to focus initial conversations and queries. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Young Whi Kim and church members from several European countries.
Following welcoming remarks by John Maniatis, the executive director of New ERA, Mr. David S.C. Kim, president of Unification Theological Semi- nary, asked the participants to be critical and to honestly and constructively help the Unification Church to "develop, refine and polish" its teachings. Dr. Mose Durst, president of the Unification Church in America, presented a lucid introduction to the Unification movement in all its many manifestations and diversity.
The conference schedule included ample time for questions and answers following each of the lectures on Divine Principle, VOC, or Unification Thought, and the respective prepared responses. Many participants, though clearly critical, were often humble and gracious in presenting their questions or observations. The small group sessions allowed more in-depth investigation and individual participation. Another important aspect of the conference was the free time provided for more unstructured conversations and get-acquainted activities. Meals were always accompanied by the "music" of conversations enthusiastically pursued. And everyone appreciated the chance to experience Portugal and the Portuguese.
A very important highlight of the seminar were the interpretive sessions given by the conference conveners, Dr. M. Darrol Bryant and Dr. Richard Quebedeaux, in which they expressed the personal significance of several years association with the Unification movement. Participants were especially pleased to hear these reflections, since many were wondering how they might possibly be involved or contribute constructively to the development of the ideals represented by the Principle.
An optional evening meeting to explain the aims of ICARRI was presided over by Ambassador Jose Chaves, and was well attended, many voicing their support for the cause of religious freedom being championed by Rev. Moon.
Beginning August 2nd, twenty-two scholars joined the conference and con- ducted a separate Advanced Seminar on Unification Theology. Dr. Lonnie D. Kliever moderated the presentations of prepared papers centering on two themes: "The Asian Roots of the Unification Movement" and "Building the Kingdom: religion and society in the Unification Movement."
Three well-known Korean scholars were present and contributed papers which compared Unification theology with Confucianism. Discussion of the impact of Christianity in Asia and the Asianization of Christianity testified to the fact that these scholars were seriously and sincerely investigating our movement. Liberation theology and typologies for assessing new religious movements were topics that also generated much interest.
Following Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak's reflections on the life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, on August 6th, participants were invited to a farewell dinner in a charming Portuguese restaurant. A marked sense of community was felt by everyone, and relief and celebration at having concluded a hard week of work. The evening ended with songs by the Portuguese family and a finale of "Tong- il" by all the Unificationists present.
A Unification prayer service was given on the morning of departure so that participants who wished to could taste this aspect of Unification spirituality. New friendships and a heightened appreciation and understanding of the Unification movement were carried in the minds and hearts of those who traveled on from Portugal, providing new spiritual pathways and bridges to all parts of the world.