The Words of the Klas Family |
It is not easy to regularly hold big events with limited financial resources and little manpower. For that reason the Slovak UPF chapter is organizing supplementary small-scale events. These small scale meetings are held mostly in the home of UPF secretary-general Milos Klas in the center of Bratislava, the capital city. Here we present his brief explanation of their method.
Our regular guests are very pleased with the cozy atmosphere in our home, and new guests obviously appreciate the intimate setting.
This autumn, we held two small scale events. Our first event was inspired by an anniversary: in 311 AC, 1,700 years ago, the Roman Emperor Galerian issued the first decree ending the persecution of Christians.
Mrs. Barbara Grabner, a journalist who leads guided tours in a museum of Roman artifacts, gave a talk illuminating the role of the Roman Empire in God's providence. She spoke about how Christianity was able to survive and finally became the state religion despite severe persecution, how Roman traditions and rituals were incorporated into the practices of the Roman Catholic Church, and the rise of Mary from the position of being Jesus' mother to divine status.
Three people attended an event of this type for the first time -- two businessmen and one historian. There were seventeen participants in all, among them eleven non-members.
A second event was held on November 4. Dr. Juraj Lajda from Prague presented the book A Whole New Mind by the American author Daniel H. Pink. His publishing house has translated and published the book in the Czech language.
Again the interest of our guests was considerable and the room was filled to capacity with the sixteen who attended, half of whom were not members of our movement.
The presentation included a short video introduction about mental illness and the healing capacity of positive thinking. Dr. Juraj Lajda presented the main messages of the book and also presented a message from Rev. Hyung-jin Moon about the creative and the destructive aspects of our mind. The guests received the information gratefully and many bought the book afterward.
As usual the event concluded with food and drink, and small-talk.
Such small events can be organized swiftly and add no financial burden to our UPF chapter. We shall hold more such events in 2012.
Some of our regular guests have already attended a one- day Divine Principle seminar in our church seminar center outside of Bratislava.