The Words of the Kuboki Family |
There were 3rd WACL (World Anti-Communist League) and 15th APCL (Asian People Anti-Communist League) conferences in Bangkok, capital of Thailand between 2nd and 8th of December 1969 with the presence of 180 delegates and organizations from 54 countries. In my estimation, there were 34 national level and 10 International level organizations, and it was the reduction of more than 20 in comparison of 41 nations and 24 international organizations in the previous year.
The following three delegates were sent to the conferences from Japan.
Mr. Osami Kuboki, president, International Federation for Victory Over Communism.
Miss Mitsuko Nojima, member of IFVC.
Miss Mitsusuko Yoshida, member of IFVC.
There is no wonder that the recent communique on gradual withdrawal of American forces from Vietnam gave the shock to the Asian Anti-Communist countries wholly depending on her for their securities. And all the delegates commonly cried for the political and military security of South-Eastern and Pacific countries.
Secretary General Bulgas, SEATO (South-Eastern Asian Treaty Organization) said that Japan would push up the enlarging her armed forces in near future despite the restriction of her constitution and public sentiment and the separticipation. Senior delegation from Vietnamese Republic cried that since withdrawal of American forces will be sure to give rise to aggressive design of communist forces, military, political and economic alliances among all the Asian countries including Japan should urgently be formed. And Professor Pothony of Stanford University protested that Free Chinese Forces should be dispatched for Forces. Though there may be no prospect of its prompt fulfillment, it will make big contribution to the coming movement.
When Japan suggested the sponsorship of 4th WACL and 16th APACL conferences in Tokyo this fall under the auspices of IFVC, she obtained unanimous support and Korea took back her intention to supervise the conferences.
According to the constitution, however, since the host nation only charges the conference, hotel and domestic expenses, Every delegation is to charge the round-trip fare to and from the host nation, there may be a natural reduction of the attending nations. But I don't know how many unusual cases chairman Kuboki, IFVC will make.
For this, honorary president Ku-Cheng Kang WACL and APACL said that reduction of the attendance would be sure to injure the dignity of the conferences, the perfect measure to meet the situation should be taken.
The Executive Committee decided to have further consultation for the concrete plan and reported the basic policy to hold the conferences in Japan to the general assembly, and the plan was adopted unanimously.
I. Organizations
A. The attendance classified by importance are as follows.
Once host nations of the conferences: Korea, Free China, The Republic of the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and Japan. These 6 countries are chief member nations.
B. Member nations (26) of APACL
1) Attendance: Austria, Burma, Ceylon, Hong Kong, India, Laos, Macao, New Zealand, Ruykyu; Turkey (including the above)
2) Absentee; Congo, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Samaria.
C. Member nations of WACL (except the nations associated with APACL): Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, France, Greece, Norway, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Spain, America). Sweden, Bolivia, Mexico, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia (17 nations)
D. International Anti-Communist Organizations:
1) ABN (the organization consisted of oppressed races under the dominion of USSR centering around Ukraine)
2) ACEN (the organization consisted of 9 (nine) Eastern European countries conquered by Russia after World War II)
3) CAMDE (Brazil women's Anti-Communist organization)
4) CIAS (the European Federation of Anti-Communist Organizations with West Germany as its main force)
5) CIGP (International conference for Anti-Communism sponsored by Mrs. Laban, a French unique combatant against Communism)
6) EFPA (Free Pacific Association)
7) NCMC (American Committee of Captive nations)
8) CMF (Cardinal Missenti Foundation)
9) EFC (European Freedom Conference)
10) WCACA (World Christian Alai- Communist Association)
II. Agenda
December 2nd:
Senior delegates conference of WACL
December 3rd: opening ceremony
Speeches by the last and this time chairman
Messages from Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese sovereigns
Delivery of speech by Honorary President Kokseiko
In the afternoon. The 1st General Assembly
The Keynote speech by Thailand premier delivery of speech by Korean Supreme Commander in Vietnam
Reports by Secretary General
Five minutes by senior delegates of the attending organizations
Establishment of the following five committees
1) Committee for cooperation among the nations on development
2) Committee for oppressed races under the Communist dominion
3) Committee for measure for communist subversive activities in the developing countries
4) Committee for Young Generation and Freedom
5) Committee for Resolution and Declaration
December 4th! In the morning
The second General Assembly
Speech by: Foreign Minister of Thailand, Mr. Dubliansk (The Nationwide Committee for oppressed people)
Mr. Laban, (French Anti-Communist combatant)
Five minutes' report by the senior delegates.
December 5th: The General assembly
Recognition of new associate participant nations (Bolivia and Norway)
Five minutes reports by senior delegates closing after committee
Adoption of resolution and declaration
December 6th; In the morning
Opening of APACL conference
Delivery of speech by Thailand premier
Delivery by president of host organization Keynote speech and report of Secretary General, SEATO
In the afternoon
Speech of Professor Posony, Stanford University on behalf of honorary members
Establishing Committees
Five minutes report by each delegate Committee
December 7th: In the morning
5 minutes reports by senior delegate of each organization Committee
In the afternoon
Adoption of resolution and declaration closing of APACL press conference
Frequent senior delegate meeting and executive committee
While the above mentioned conferences
December 8th: Sightseeing of the city and the suburbs by bus
III. Reception and dinners
December 3rd: Reception by Thailand premier
December 4th: Dinner by the home minister
December 5th: Dinner by the host organization
December 7th: Dinner by the Chinese Chamber of the Commerce
December 8th: Audience and garden party by the King and Queen of Thailand
Major summarized resolutions are as follows;
I. Resolution of WACL
United supporting Vietnam and talking firm stand of all member nations during the peace time of Vietnam Republic
Strengthening joint Anti-Communist front of the entire world
Helping out of current spiritual crisis
The whole hearted supporting and protecting the righteous stand of Vietnamese government
Impeaching subversive activities of students
Demanding UN for making January 23rd the day of the World Freedom
Flat denunciation of the planned centennial of Lenin in 1970
Making all the governments think much of WACL
Accusation and impeaching social responsibility of mass media of grand advertisement of Kim Il-sung, premier of Communist North Korea for a hero in 20th century in the New York and London Times
II. Resolution of APACL (Asia-Pacific Anti-Communist League)
a, Full recognition of WACL Resolution
b. Appeal to the mass media throughout the world for and objective information of the Vietnamese War
c. Proposition of establishing Asian Security Organization to all The member nation governments
d. Full and firm denunciation of the communist aggression, penetration and subversive activities in Asia.
e. Promoting economic and technical cooperation among the Asian nations
f. Request for the revival of Philippine-Malaysian Diplomatic relation
g. Proposition of Security treaty against Communist aggression to the member nation governments
h. Prompt withdrawal of Russian troops from the conquered and satellite countries
i. Interchange of the current situations and aggressive operational intelligence of the communist countries
j. Appeal to America for attaching importance to the agreement with Vietnam and no rapid withdrawal of her combat units from Vietnam
III. WACL Declaration
WACL declared the formation of international anti-communist front as the crusade freedom in the names of 180 delegates of anti-communist organizations and 54 national units laying emphasis on the following matters.
a. Even now that human science has brought moon trip, Communist, bloc have been still making use of terrorism for enslaving mankind and threatening the peace and freedom of the world. So such an attempt can and should be exterminated.
b. Since communists are deceptive and double tongued, it's nonsense to have sincere negotiation with them, there must not be compromise in danger infringing upon freedom and independence of Vietnam.
c. Withdrawal of American forces from Vietnam which will be sure to weaken the Vietnamese government forces and allied is undesirable.
d. Prior to return of Okinawa to Japan and partial withdrawal of US force in Okinawa, measures for Asian Defense against Communist aggression including Korean Security should be primarily taken.
e. Indiscreet young generations should be defended from communist tools, and they should be made participate in warfare for democracy.
f. Since the international communist has been still extending aggressive and penetrating hands to Europe Asia, Africa and America, a strict watch should be kept over their menace to the world peace.
All people throughout the world can and should make an endless effort for the liberation of Asian and East European races under the communist oppression. WACL made a fresh determination to support the liberation movement for the oppressed races and nations under Russian imperialism such as Ukraine, Caucasian races, White Russia, Hungary, Baltic Nations, Turkistan, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, East Germany etc.
g. 4th WACL and 16th APACL Conferences will be held in Japan from September 21st, 1970