The Words of the Lambert Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to share with you my reflection on: Manifesting God's Love in the midst of us.
Coming from a Jewish background, I studied Hebrew -- in Hebrew the name Cain means "Yes" and the name Abel means: "House of God"... this may seem like a hidden meaning, but I believe the Bible is telling us that Cain is in the position to humble himself to Abel. Cain who is the manifestation of "Yes" needs to bow before Abel who is the manifestation of the "House of God ". But only when Abel can manifest himself as the house of God.
Within each one of us there is a house of God as Jesus told us: "Don't you know that you are God's Temple and His spirit dwells within you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16) So it all depends upon how well we can unite our mind and body to become a Temple of God.
Peace Message 2 page 35 " Therefore if Adam and Eve attended God in their hearts and become one with Him..."
When we all become Temples of God, then we need not worry who is Cain and who is Abel, that would be just a matter of semantics...what we would be more concerned about is are we attending God in our hearts. Perhaps both interpretations are correct… because if we can attend God who dwells inside our hearts, then we can respect ourselves as an embodiment of God's Heart -- within our own heart… which means that we need to open up our hearts to embody God's Heart.
On the other hand, if we are attending God with our hearts, then we need to search our hearts to see if they are pure and clear enough to manifest God's Love in our environment and in the midst of our relationships with one another. We need to have faith that God will love through us.
The question is: How can we become an embodiment of God's Love by developing and expanding our hearts enough so that God can love through us.
Joyce Meyer talks about this very point in her book: Reduce Me To Love: "How do we love? We choose to love, we cannot wait to feel love because we may have hindrances stopping us from feeling love.
Ephesians 3: 17 -- 19 "May Christ through your faith, dwell in and abide and make his home in your hearts! may you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, that you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints, God's devoted people, the experiences of that love what is the breadth and length and height and depth of it.
That you may really come to know practically through experience
for yourselves, the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere
knowledge, that you may be filled through your whole being, unto all
the fullness of God and may have the richest measure of the divine
Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God
(Amplified Bible)
In the Bible we see that Paul prayed for the church to really know the love of God by experience. Paul knew that a revelation of God's Love was imperative, that people had to have it or nothing else in their lives was going to work properly.
Right relationships are based on love -- love flowing both ways. Once you begin receiving God's awesome unconditional love, you can begin not only loving Him in return, but you can also begin loving others..
1 John 4: 10 -- 11 "Beloved, if God loves us so very much, we also ought to love one another."
CSG Chapter 2 The Reality of Love: Book 3 (36 -- 77, 1970.11.15)
"Giving Love completely is God's Purpose in creating people and thus His heart burns to pour out all of His love to the human world where He has as yet been unable to give complete love. It is because he is such a God that the more we think of Him, the more we feel good. If He were a God who says, ' Since I have given everything, now you have to give back.' We would not need Him."
"It is love that gives infinitely..."
How can we manifest God's Love within the midst of us? We can manifest God's Love when we embody His/Her heart, to do this we need to completely surrender to God.
Webster's New World Dictionary: Surrender -- to oneself up. To yield.
True Father has said that if we can become complete zero before God, then God can live inside of our hearts 100%.
"Love will flourish when we love and serve others. that way
the eternal maintenance of love is possible."
(our Hope
8/20/74 The Way Of Tradition Vol. 1)
Matthew 18: 20 " Where two or three are gathered in my name there I am in the midst of them..."
Since God is love and He/She is in our midst… when two or three are gather in His/Her name... then God's Love is manifested in our midst.