The Words of the Lambert Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In my life of faith I am constantly praying and asking myself, where is my Original Nature? Today as I was praying I asked God, 'who is my Original Nature '?
This is a question that I ask myself frequently...because although we recognize fallen nature as it is outlined in The Exposition of The Divine Principle on page 73, I have not understood what Original Nature truly is...and since Divine Principle explains very succinctly about our fallen nature; I have not understood the nature of my Original Character...and I thought, if I do not recognize it, then perhaps others do not recognize theirs either.
Which comes to the dilemma of us not having enough confidence to fulfill our mission that was outlined for us by our True Parents, and the reason being is because we may not recognize our true selves, our Original Nature.
We are asked to do many things, among others is loving unconditionally but without knowing our Original Nature then how can we do this?
In seeking to find our Original Nature we must first understand the Creator. God created us because of Love... so God is the essence of Love… since we are a reflection of God, then it is safe to say that our Original Essence is one of Love and Harmony.
Exposition of Divine Principle page 18 Creation:
"The human mind imparts to every person a natural inclination to join with others in harmony."
Holy Song #34: When I Behold The Lord:
"When I behold the Lord of all, my old self dies away...so dies the world of sinfulness... giving birth to good."
These words say to me that when I encounter the Lord, our True Parents, then my Original Self comes to the surface -- just by Their Presence, and my fallen self-dies away...and as my fallen self-dies away, then so does the world of sinfulness; because I am a microcosm of the world...and whatever growth I can attain can be imparted to the world… if I offer it as such.
Holy Song #35 Day of Glory:
"...His Words of Truth and Life wake us up from sleep..."
These words are saying to me that True Father's Words wake up our Original Nature, our Original Selves out from under the sleep of our fallen nature, our fallen selves.
Holy Song #1 Blessing of Glory:
"Light the world forever with the light of your rebirth..."
These words are saying to me that when our Original Selves are awakened we will shine like the sun and wherever we go, will give new life to the earth and to others...because the light of our rebirth, the light of our Original Selves will bring God's Love to everyone we meet.
Our Original Self is the entity that seeks obedience in God, seeks to comfort God, seeks God in all situations.
Exposition of Divine Principle page 178 Restoration:
"To restore this through indemnity, we must seek to regain our pure, original nature and comfort God's Heart by living in obedience to God's Will."
(This -- meaning our fallen nature)
Through deduction of going reverse course -- we can find our Original Nature by examining the Four Fallen Natures (Divine Principle page 73 Fall).
1) Failure to see God's Viewpoint in loving others the way God loves them.
To find our Original Nature we need to pray to be able to see with God's viewpoint, having God's attitude as a parent, God's Purpose to bring the Kingdom of Heaven in the midst of us, God's Motivation for Peace on earth, and God's Direction for loving others in order to build a world of one family of humankind centering upon True Love which is True Parents' extended family.
2) Leaving One's Proper Position. Seeking more of God's Love, Lucifer desired to enjoy the same position of love in the human world.
To find our Original Nature, to go reverse course of Lucifer's desire therefore we need to seek to embody God's Love to keep our position as an internal reflection of God's Internal Character and become parents towards one another, giving one another God's Love.
3) Reversing Dominion -- the angel, who was supposed to come under the dominion of human beings, instead dominated Eve.
To find our Original Nature we need to go reverse course and be dominated by God's Love by receiving God's Love completely into our hearts so that we can give God's love to others...creating unity in our midst. (Matthew 18:20 "If two or more are gathered in My Name, there I AM in the midst of you.")
4) Multiplying the criminal act -- after her fall, if Eve had not repeated her sin by seducing Adam, Adam would have remained whole.
To find our Original Nature in this respect we need to go reverse course and multiply goodness. The way to multiply goodness is to perceive ourselves with God's viewpoint, God's attitude and with God's Love so that we can perceive others with God's viewpoint, God's attitude and God's love. Loving others with God's Love enables our Original Nature because only our Original Nature has the ability to love with God's Love.
We can perceive our Original Nature through creation when we can appreciate its beauty because the creation returns beauty to those who give it love. We see our nature reflected in creation as it is written in the Exposition of the Divine Principle -- Creation page 33: "Our object t partner helps us to feel our own internal nature and external form through the stimulation it gives.
This nature of human beings originates in God's nature. In like manner, God feels the fullness of joy, when He is stimulated by His substantial object partners to feel His original internal character and original external form through them."
Therefore we are stimulated by our substantial object partner, creation, then we will feel fullness of joy by seeing our Original Nature reflected in Creation. So... the perception and appreciation of creation helps us to understand who our Original Nature is according to the Exposition of the Divine Principle: Creation page 50: " The Original Mind is that faculty of the human mind which pursues absolute goodness. It relates to the conscience as internal nature to external form...however the Original Mind, being sensitive to the proper direction, repels the faulty standard of the conscience and works to correct the conscience.
The conscience is that faculty of the human mind, which by virtue of its inborn nature, always directs us to what we think is good. However due to the Fall, human beings have become ignorant of God...and thus ignorant of the absolute standard of goodness. For this reason we are unable to set a proper standard of judgment for our conscience. As the standard of goodness varies, the standard of our conscience also fluctuates, this causes frequent contention even among those who advocate a conscientious life."
Our Original Nature is our True Self, the self that God created, and is a reflection of God's internal Character. Within our Original Nature there is a 'micro-chip' of True Love...when we can accept our Original Nature and then embody True Love, God's Love, Sacrificial Love, then we can resemble God.
Pyung Hwa Hoon Gyeong: Peace Message 1 page 15:
"Our first responsibility is to resemble God. We need to embody True Love. The way to embody true love begins by living as a devoted child then a patriot, then a saint, and finally a divine son and daughter of God. At that stage we experience the innermost emotions of God's Heart and resolve the grief that He has experienced for tens of thousands of years, ever since the Fall of Adam and Eve."
On page 376 in The Exposition of the Divine Principle it tells us that our Original Nature is satisfied when all people can be reconciled, sincerely from the bottom of their hearts through the perfect ideology. Why do we need to be reconciled? Because of the Human Fall.
On page 51
"As long as our spirit mind and physical mind are under the bondage of Satan, the functioning entity they form, through their give and take action is called the evil mind. The evil mind continually drives people to do evil. Our Original Mind and conscience direct us to repel the evil mind. They guide us in desperate efforts to reject evil desires and cling to goodness by breaking our ties with Satan and turning to face God."
World Scripture: Cf. Immanent, pp. 113-18 -- Original Mind. No Mind -
"The passages in this section discuss the Original Mind or True Self of the human being, which is the proper ground of enlightment. The Original Mind is the intrinsic essence of the mind, the True Self. It is inherently pure and good, and in Christian terms it can be said to participate in the Kingdom of God.
In Eastern traditions it is prior to thought, prior to desire, prior to any conceptualization at all. It is discovered by stripping away all sensation, desire, concepts, intellection, volition and awareness of " I ".
It partakes of the Oneness of all. Buddhism calls this mind the Buddha Nature, and much of Buddhist practice is aimed at its realization. They also call it " no-mind " because it is without any grasping at a selfish self."
I pray that we can all help one another to find our Original Selves so that we can relate more freely as True Brothers and Sisters utilizing God's True Love in Our Hearts...to build the Kingdom Of Heaven...
My Original Heart to Your Original Heart...