The Words of the Lu Family |
Rev. Kyeng Seuk Lu was blessed among the second-generation thirty-six-couple blessing group in 1986. He is the father of two sons and two daughters. He has diverse experience, ranging from public relations work for the Tongil Foundation to being a missionary to the Republic of Georgia. In the Korean church headquarters, he has been head of the Second Generation Department, head of the Planning Department and vice-president of FFWPU Korea before his appointment by True Mother as the president of FFWPU Korea on October 10, 2013.
Lu receiving a gift from Mother during the workshop
Question: Since the top gun workshop is meant restart of Vision 2020, what primary message do you have for members as you begin as the church president?
The first point I would like to convey is that we need to grow into a church filled with the Holy Spirit and the truth. We are a religion and we have conducted many religious activities, but we have also conducted many social activities. I see a tendency for us to become more intellectual, more rooted in the intellect than the heart. We need to focus on the heart or spirit. True Mother strongly said that we need young people that can realize Vision 2020 and take care of the age after Vision 2020. To do that, we need to become a church filled with the truth and with the Holy Spirit.
The second point I want to convey is the importance of inheriting True Parents' heart, particularly Father's heart. The main reason this workshop was held in Chung Pyung is that this is a place where True Father invested his sweat, effort and blood. Father, especially in the early days, invested his passion for God's will and his aspirations here, so there is a great heart-to-heart connection with Father here at Chung Pyung. The workshop was held here so that we might be able to inherit that.
If I were to say more on this, I would ask, why are True Parents devoted children of God? If we go deeper into that, a devoted son or daughter of God makes a parent most happy when the child does what the parent likes the most. True Father thought about what makes God happiest. He realized that it was human beings, people. To make God happy, Father had to love people with all his heart.
As blessed members, then, how can we offer ourselves to God, be devoted to God? How can we be devoted to and resemble True Parents? Those questions are pertinent because I am talking about inheriting their hearts. How can we do that? For Father, the best way of loving God was by loving people. In the same way, we have to love people with all our hearts.
How can we love them? Primarily, by telling them who True Parents are and who God is, that God exists, and then by teaching them that they are God's sons and daughters. A leader that can do that -- teach people that God exists, that he is our father and teach people who True Parents are -- is a devoted child. The best way to do that is witnessing. In the end, witnessing is the best way we can show our devotion to God and True Parents. When we reflect on God's will, witnessing is the best way to show our devotion to God.
The third point is inheriting God's word. I am talking about inheriting God's word; this is not about understanding the word in your head hut in your heart. While we were here, we went through the Divine Principle, Cheon Seong Gyeong and Father's life course. We had heard these things before, but it was a time to look in depth at things we had already learned. My hope is that everyone here can inherit the word, in his or her heart, because we have to have it in our hearts before we pass it on to members.
Mother spoke on the day we began the workshop. She expressed sadness over the fact that True Parents came and gave the word and hoped that members would live by practicing true love, by living for the sake of others, but they have not been able to practice that in reality. For those of us members that are leaders, it is the same. We have to practice true love. We should have become the model. That we have not done that is a source of sadness for True Father and for True Mother. She expressed that. Her hope is that through this top gun workshop, this kind of problem will cease to exist. Leaders should take the lead in practicing love and taking care of others.
Mo Nim addressing the top gun workshop participants in the small hall
at the Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center
Question: This may sound odd, but what does it mean to the Korean members that a second-generation member now the president of the Korean church? Do Koreans see it as good fortune coming suddenly?
Hmm... When we talk about first and second generations, it is a natural flow. The first generation came and now the second generation is coming in, but I do not look at it as two different generations. They all go together -- first, then second, then the third and fourth generations. They flow together in history. I do not look at it as separate entities.
When we look at providential history, Father has told us that for a country, or a family, or an organization to establish its tradition, at least three generations have to receive and practice that tradition. When we look at what is happening to us, the first and now the second generation is taking up the tradition. Through that process the door has opened for the third generation. It is a connecting door for the third generation to enter and to carry on that tradition. Once three generations, at least, can uphold that tradition, God's will can remain on earth for eternity, which is one of the main reasons that True Mother has focused on educating those in the third generation nowadays.
If you look at me personally, I was born within the Unification Church culture, raised within our church culture, blessed within our church culture and had children under our church culture. Now I am fifty and one of my children is at a marriageable age. Ten or twenty years from now, I will probably go to the spiritual world. As someone that has fully experienced the church culture, I feel that second-generation members have always been in a sacrificial position; we have the responsibility of inheriting this tradition and passing it on to the third generation. We are in a sacrificial position. We have to play this role. With that in mind, my mission is to go to the lowest position and to sacrifice, so that the third generation can fully inherit this tradition.
Question: Can you describe for us the experience of Mother announcing your presidency?
When I first came to know of this, actual fear -- nervousness -- was the most prominent emotion to arise in me. Can I truly handle this big task? In a way, in the back of my mind, 1 wanted to avoid it. I did not want to take it. I wanted to avoid it somehow, but Mother told me, "I will make an environment for you."
We believe that True Parents are the Messiah. For the Messiah to say, I will be with you, I will support you, is the biggest blessing you can ever receive from True Parents. I felt that I had been foolish to think that it would be difficult. I suddenly felt that if Heaven is with me, of course I can do it.
Once I felt that, all fear disappeared and I felt confident that I can manage the responsibility. I experienced that turnabout.