The Words of the Macijeski Family |
The 250 trucks the church purchased just before Father entered prison last summer, which were donated to International Relief Friendship Foundation (IRFF), have now reached cities all across America. Testimonies and letters of gratitude and appreciation are beginning to come in. One of the most inspiring testimonies so far is from Iginia Boccalandro, a young sister in Las Vegas, Nevada, who is responsible for the trucks there.
Once again, Father's inspiration for social action work seems to be right in tune with America's need and Heavenly Father's preparation. Many food banks are springing up throughout America, most of them lacking one common resource: trucks and the volunteers to drive them. Father has said that the way to become the Messiah for a particular place is to solve the worst problem of that place. Thus, if we can truly bring the concerned people of this land together to end hunger, and then other social evils, America can fulfill its God-given mission.
Clearly, Heavenly Father has prepared the soil of America through people like the McKinleys. Here is a letter about their work and how our trucks helped them.
Five trucks?... Five trucks... Five trucks!!! I could hardly believe we were to receive five five-ton trucks. It became even more unbelievable when I was asked to take care of them.
I had already made a few contacts in the Las Vegas community but I never expected what God had in mind. Earlier that week I had heard the testimony of Celeste McKinley. David and Celeste are the founders of Gleaner's Inc., known as the most exemplary food bank in America. As Celeste shared her deep commitment to the homeless and hungry of this nation, I cried. I was moved by her faith in God, who is "the Chairman of the Board at Gleaner's" -- and her commitment to doing His will. As I got to know the program, I could feel God's hand behind it. Through the tremendous amount of food donated, the hard work of the volunteers, and the heart of love and service which was expressed, God's presence could be felt.
Gleaner's has several points that make it a unique food distribution program. The food is set up in supermarket style. People can easily choose what they want, and what they need. Giving them that opportunity allows them to feel dignity and respect. The program is also designed to serve all people, whenever and however often they need it. With the exception of people under the influence of alcohol or drugs, everybody is welcome. (Celeste says that if they can afford to buy alcohol they can buy food.) Gleaner's is independently run, without government funds. They operate with only private donations, and donations gathered in the "bucket" passed around to the people who are serviced.
Celeste previously had expressed to me Gleaner's need for another truck to pick up more food that was being thrown out. So, when I drove up in our shiny, beautiful new truck (which we named Don Quixote later on), her eyes filled up with tears. I realized how much she had prayed for this truck, and how deep her faith was that God listened and cared.
I have been working with David and Celeste since the beginning of the year in a consistent fashion. The use of these marvelous trucks has enabled Gleaner's to pick up over 97,000 pounds of fresh produce from California, and thousands of pounds of produce, dairy, meat and non-food items locally. This has been only in the last three months. It's a modern-day miracle!
Celeste is also on the board of INFO (Independent Network of Food Organizations), which works with over 140 food banks across America. When she found out that each of our states was given five trucks to work with, she was delighted. With her connections, we've been able to set up the use of the trucks by food banks all across America.
Celeste and David have the goal of putting the welfare and the food stamp programs out of business. Their firm belief that people should help people is setting others on fire, and their efforts have recently won them a letter of appreciation from President Reagan.
Like Father, the McKinleys have the vision and hope that America can heal its wounds and help the world, through the effort of people who are willing to spread God's love and share His abundant blessings. That such people should work together is God's will and our Father's deepest desire.
The tree is bearing fruit -- people
can see it, smell it, taste it. They like it! It all points back to
the tears and sweat of our True Parents, and brothers and sisters.
It's becoming more evident now; people are beginning to see. The tide
is finally turning. Thank God!
Iginia V. Boccalandro