The Words of the Macijeski Family |
left to right: Rev. Richard Bush, Rev. Eldridge Blakeley, Bishop Sam
Mann, Rev. Leo Champion, Jack Corley.
Originally skeptical about our movement, Rev. Dr. Leo Champion of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, began his association with us when he attended a breakfast meeting a year ago. At that time he was very impressed by the movie, "Rev. Moon: 60 Years for God and Mankind." Sometime thereafter, he was invited to speak at a rally for religious freedom we helped organize in the area. Although he hadn't been planning to accept, he changed his mind when his wife (also a minister who counsels in a local prison) told him of a dream she'd had in which she saw him speaking to a large crowd. He spoke at the rally, and his relationship with our movement grew. Since then, he has served as convener at both CAUSA and ICC seminars, and is currently serving as vice president of the Milwaukee chapter of NCCSA. His picture also appeared in Today's World last year, marching arm in arm with In Jin Nim at the Rally for Religious Liberty in Washington DC.
Mr. Jack Corley, director of the Unification Church in Wisconsin, says Rev. Champion's interest in holy salt was stimulated by a ceremony blessing their new social action truck in Milwaukee. Rev. Champion anointed the truck with holy oil, and Mr. Corley blessed it with holy salt. Later, the two of them and Mr. Richard Buessing, the Great Lakes regional coordinator, got into a discussion about spirit world at Rev. Champion's house. "The Champ" (as Mr. Corley affectionately calls him) began to tell them of a problem with a bothersome spirit who was fond of dwelling in a cupboard in the top floor apartment of his home, where his son and daughter-in-law live. The spirit was giving the clergyman's grandchildren bad dreams and creating an unpleasant spiritual atmosphere in the apartment. Rev. Champion inquired about the uses of holy salt, and then asked if his home could be holy salted in order to get rid of the spirit who was causing him and his family quite a bit of distress.
On a later day, Mr. Corley returned with the holy salt. He first led Rev. Champion's family in prayer, then while the others stood in a circle and prayed, he went about holy salting the house. Afterwards, having checked their apartment, Rev. Champion's daughter-in- law ran down the stairs in tears of gratitude -- the spirit had departed.
The family asked Jack to leave them more holy salt. "Now they use it themselves," he says. The following is a statement by Rev. Champion, expressing in his own words his impressions of our movement and our members.
I find my association with the Unification Church has made a great impact on my Christian mission relative to "making disciples of all nations." The Unification Church is dedicated to mobilize the Christian ministry to restore fallen humanity, and also to clothe the naked, to feed the hungry and to set the captives free that are unjustly in prison.
Through social action programs they express love for their fellow man. They also bring about a better understanding of the differences between Unification Theology and other dogmas by holding ICC conferences and lecturing in group settings about the Principle. The Unification Church is unique in its method of countering worldwide communism with the CAUSA worldview, and bringing denominations and religious groups together to stop the worldwide communist threat.
More than anything, the Unification Church shows love, harmony, and fellowship to all Christian and religious groups regardless of race, creed, or color. Also, the Unification Church members are not trying to persuade Christian people to join their movement. I am highly appreciative of the spiritual connection with God which the Unification Church has. My home was blessed by Jack Corley with the blessed salt, and the unwanted visitors have departed and haven't returned.