The Words of the McGarrell Family |
The prime minister of Guyana, Samuel Hinds, visited our church headquarters' chapel twice in 2011 -- once for the fortieth anniversary of our church founding in Guyana on May 1, which is Labor Day, when political leaders usually address thousands of workers at major venues. He attended our service before speaking at the largest rally. He also attended our two-and-a-half-hour International Day of Peace Program on September 21. He gave the concluding speech based on the UN's official theme for this year's Day of Peace. Afterward, Prime Minister Hinds took photographs with newly appointed background=amoeba.gifambassadors for peace and other guests, and joined in several discussions.
Samuel Hinds: Prime minister (1992–March 1997); president of Guyana (March–December 1997); prime minister (December 1997–August 9, 1999) and (August 11, 1999–the present) Right: Guyana church national leader Ronald McGarrell, at far right.