The Words of the McGee Family |
I signed up for this program I wasn't sure what I would gain lesson
wise internally from it since I had just finished NLTP training, but
I was looking forward to being on a boat on the ocean for the first
I ended up gaining so much from this program about boating and fishing and much more. To learn about the ocean, how to fish, use equipment and how to drive the boat are great and useful skills that we can use. What was most beneficial to me was being able to read True Father's words about Ocean Providence and having the opportunity to go out on the ocean on the very same day and try to practice and reflect about those words. At first it was hard to see how Father saw the ocean as a great learning environment, but after a few days I began to see how the actions of the waves, the experience fishing (whether we caught something or not), the scenery and weather could teach us something about life and reflect a more internal side of things.
Kodiak is such a beautiful place and I loved all the places we went to for fishing. I learned a lot more than just things about fishing through the places we visited and people I met. Surprisingly, I met challenges I didn't' expect to encounter, but because I had never really faced challenges such as the ones I had during Ocean Challenge it helped me grow and learn more. This program would be a great experience for all youths and I feel it is especially important for BC's because it is a chance to experience True Father's heart and the things he has experienced
I have many interests and believe I'm capable of doing anything when I put my mind to it. A lot of opportunities have been presented and opened up to me here. I have interest in architecture so visiting and learning at the Alutiq museum peeked my interest in studying native and traditional homesteads. Aunt Lesa re-lit my passion for horses and I got to learn more about UPF from Uncle Clint. I'm not sure if I'll go into the fishing business, but I want to be serious about what True Father wants to create centering on the Ocean Providence so I'm willing to drop my other interests if becoming a fish farmer or charter boat captain will help God's providence come about more quickly. At the moment I don't know what my calling is. In my mind I can imagine what kind of person I want to be and I believe God is putting me through many experiences and difficulties (even if I struggle and don't appreciate it at first) so that I can overcome, improve and become closer in developing into the kind of person I want to be and ultimately the kind of person God wants me to be. I still have a long ways to go.