The Words of the McIntosh Family |
One of the early Australian members, Ian McIntosh, passed away in Tokyo on Thursday 22nd April 2010 at 5:13 pm.
Ian joined the church while he was a university student in 1977 in Perth, his home town. He worked as a full-time member of the Australian church in various capacities in several states over many years. Ian was blessed to his Japanese wife in 1989 in the 6500 Couples Blessing. He moved to Japan soon after his blessing were he worked in the area of computing. Ian worked for some time with Wacom and more recently he worked on one of the American bases as a Data Security Manager. He is survived by his wife and one daughter. We are all deeply grateful for Ian's most valuable and irreplaceable contributions to the development to the early Australian Providence, and our love and prayers go to his family and loved ones at this time. His Seunghwa will be held on Sunday 25th April.