The Words of the Minko Family |
Dear brothers and sisters,
I have made these translations to English for English-speaking members. So it's my own initiative and I want to apologize beforehand for my imperfect English. But I hope that what you read in this internal guidance of our elder brothers and sisters from Belarus will do you good...
We influence every person whom we communicate with. When we say something good person will be cheered up and inspired. And that’s good. But sometimes we can offend or hurt person very much. But whom do we influence first? (Our family). Especially our children. Our family relationships are the image for our children to follow. What children see in the family -- our relations, how dad treats mom and how mom treats dad -- influence their future life very much. So we should get along with each other in order that our children inherit the right image.
I think that many of you had wrong image of husband-wife relations in childhood. And then when you had grown up you had to change it. How difficult it was for each one of you to change all the bad stereotypes.
It’s good if we say words just to do somebody good. But even I have nervous breakdowns and it affects my husband and children. But I understand that it’s not right. In my case I always apologize to my children, to my husband as well as to other people. But in general it is bad enough saying bad and evil words which hurt other person.
Dae Mo Nim says that there are three heaviest sins. They are adultery, misusing of public money and hurting the hearts of other people. It is very important. We easily hurt other people without realizing how destructive the effects of that pain are. Dae Mo Nim has very good speech “Do not hurt the heart of others”. In it she tells in details why we shouldn’t do this. All people are of different spiritual levels.
All of us are climbing the mountain and each one of us is on his own level. And those who are lower can meet with scorn from those who are on upper level. But it’s very easy to say this, “You don’t know, you don’t understand and it’s all rubbish what you do and what you say”. But we accuse the man himself that he is on lower spiritual level than we are. But first of all by doing this we bring ourselves down to his level. Secondly, each person has his individual situation. Everyone starts to walk up from below, but everyone has his own path. Someone has a good path because his ancestors have made a good foundation and he inherits it. But someone’s ancestors have made not so good foundation which was enough just for one’s joining the Movement, learning about the Principle and True Parents. And he climbs up very slowly. But there is also someone who starts with filling up a hole. Even though these 3 persons start to move at the same time they will achieve different levels. And it’s not because someone is better and other is worse but they have had different conditions. We should understand those who are filling up their own hole. We should not be arrogant but help them.
Dae Mo Nim says that our words, our deeds should make us better. The Bible says that if you see a person as a righteous man you will become a righteous man. If, instead, you see someone as an unjust person you will become an unjust person. If man is told that he is bad, he can do nothing then he will lose all his self-confidence. And he will not go further. We should help such person to become better and to climb higher.
We influence our neighbors. But among them there are True Parents. How do we influence them? (We create an image for True Parents). And it’s very important.
Recently I’ve had a deep conversation with a man who knows the Unification Movement but unfortunately he left the Movement. And he asked a question, “How does the Unification Movement differ from other religious groups?” We are notable for the Messiah, the Holy Blessing given by Messiah and the Divine Principle again given by Messiah. It means that everything that seperates us from other religious groups is given to us by Messiah.
And what about us? What we as blessed families, blessed members or just followers of Messiah do in order to distinguish ourselves from other religious groups? (We should do the same thing that the Messiah does. We should be an example). Right.
True Father often says, “Blessed families hadn’t accomplish their responsibility and such-and-such redemption was paid…” Within my recollection for 16 years there was so much redemption paid because of blessed families haven’t accomplished their responsibility. For a long time this hasn’t touched me. But this deep talk with the person who left and asked what we are notable for made me think of myself, of my life and on life of blessed families differently.
What example can we as blessed families can show to other religious groups? (Way of life, good relations). In the first place we can excel as families.
What was the advertising for matching and Blessing before? We had been saying, “Only 5% of our families break up”. In comparison with the rest of the world where more than a half of all families break up it was very beneficial.
But what happens now? Hyung Jin Nim has mentioned that the rate of family break up in the Movement is almost the same as in the rest of the world. What does it say about us? We are given everything. We were given Blessing, we were given the Principle. We have whatever is necessary in order to achieve much. But having all this we are on the same level… Do you think such advertising can be an inspirational example for other people? They will just say, “You are same as others. Your families break up the same as everywhere. You have problems with the Second Generation. What you are notable for?”
Do you understand what image is created for True Parents? Of course, True Father has been doing so much… and what about us?
Ideally, blessed families should be the protection for True Parents. But it turns out that it is not we who protect True Parents but True Parents protect True Family and all other blessed families.
Why has God started the Providence? He wants all His children to come back to Him. For the sake of this True Father and True Family have been doing so much. It is said in the Bible to judge by fruits. We are the fruits of True Parents. And people will judge by our life, our words, our faith, our deeds, our feelings and relations about what True Parents are.
Imagine if each one of us achieved good spiritual results in relations, in bringing up our children, in relations with other people; then how it would change public opinion about True Parents. And if we as blessed families reached beyond our families and achieved good results in public life then people would say, “Look, how good are the fruits of Rev. Moon’s teaching”
We are given everything to reach perfection. We have a bicycle (Principle) which can take us to perfection, but we have to peddle. Please, let’s peddle. We have whatever is necessary in order to live the good life, to create a very good image of True Parents and to make God happy.
I want to ask myself and all of us. Let’s try to do what will make good reputation for our Movement and create good positive image of True Parents.