The Words of the Neewton Family |
This little story of mine came about through a very simple circumstance, you might even laugh out loud when you read this. Please go right ahead. What happened was the following.
Today I found myself in a very funny situation. As I was trying to fix my husbands suit pants as they where slightly torn and he needed them urgently for his Business travel, I could not find a single needle to sow them. "Unbelievable", I put the sowing kit some place and just forgot where?
At last I managed to find one very tiny needle in some pot, ha ha. My first thought was, "what a tiny needle that is", but none the less it's a needle that I can sow with. In deed, I managed to fix the pants very well. Despite the fact that the needle was real tiny ,I could sow with it, therefore the needle served its purpose splendidly in that moment! Now it dawned on me that, it does not matter how great something is or looks, it matters if it can fulfill its purpose or not. The same is true for the value of each human. The greatest value of a human, does not depend on, how smart, or how good looking one is, neither what position, wealth or success one has...
Our true Value is determined by the mere fact if we fulfill our God given purpose or not!