The Words of the Negre Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please read the letter of Prof. Joseph Navalta, President of UPF-Philippines, regarding the successful holding of 1-Day seminars on UPF 5 Principles of Peace in 54 sites in the Philippines and the need to conduct this seminar in all of the 165 Holy Ground sites all over the country.
The providence is moving faster each day and we really need to support these UPF seminars to accomplish the internal condition of educating the people. Let us support this effort of our brothers and sisters in the Philippines so we can accomplish more from this time on until January 13, 2013.
There will still be a lot of challenges now and in the future but if we put our efforts together, we can move mountains and become victorious in our common effort to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Let us take note of the important information for sending our important financial support.
Thank you.
Rev. Dante Negre National Leader
Philippine Unification Church
Ministry in Japan
October 3, 2011
To: Brothers and Sisters in Japan
Through: Rev. Dante Negre Leader, Philippine Commando in Japan
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Greetings of Peace!
As a condition to restore national sovereignty in the Philippines by 2013, Dr. Chung Sik Yong, Continental Director of Asia, started to set Holy Grounds in 165 cities and key areas across the nation.
A mixture of holy salt and soil coming from the Holy Grounds where the four major religions originated such as Islam (Mecca), Buddhism (Nepal), Christianity (Israel) and Confucianism (China) as well as Unificationism (Korea) was implanted in each city/ municipality. These Holy Grounds are a symbol of Unity, Peace and Harmony as well as an emblem to invite Heavenly Fortune and Blessing to come to the community.
Following the completion of these 165 Holy Grounds across the nation, 1-Day UPF 5 Principles of Peace Seminars are being held and organized in all 165 cities and municipalities since May 2011. From then on until now, seminars with the theme "The Need for Vision and Leadership at a Time of Global Crisis" have been conducted in 54 sites. The said seminars proved to be a great way for us to introduce True Parents' vision to the top leaders of each city and for them to support our endeavors for peace. Moreover, because of such seminars, brothers and sisters became more empowered to invite and mobilize members of their tribes to attend the said workshops.
In order for us to successfully accomplish the 1-Day UPF Seminars in all the 165 holy ground sites, we are in need of greater resources in order to cover the expenses of holding such activities. With the generous support of people like you, we will be able to achieve UPF's vision for peace in this country and claim sovereignty in this nation.
For more information on how your donation will support UPF seminars, we enclosed a copy of our newsletter that contains information regarding our ongoing 1-Day UPF Seminars in different areas and our other projects and activities. You can also find information there on our upcoming events for this year and volunteer opportunities.
You may send your precious donations to the following bank information:
Account No.: 0124-0091-46
Account No.: 0121-0391-92 (Peso)
Account Name: Holy
Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
Name: Bank of the Philippine Islands
Branch: Aurora-Cubao
Bank Address: Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Number: 63-2-912-2275/632-912-2249
Fax Number: 63-2-912-2241
Thank you very much and we look forward to your kind support.
Prof. Celestino Jose V. Navalta, Jr.
President, UPF Philippines
Engr. Julius B. Malicdem National Leader, HSA-UWC Phils.
Executive Director, UPF-Phils.