The Words of the Negre Family |
Dear Blessed Families,
My warmest greetings to you and your Family!
I have to be candid and bold on this letter as we are going against time in the Providential Timetable leading to D-Day. There is no letting up now brothers and sisters after witnessing the successful Blessing in Mindanao. I cannot do enough to justify and convey with you the fire and spirit that was created through that event. The spirit world seems bent at conspiring with us to make the Miracle in Sultan Kudarat a domino effect that will impact the whole nation of Philippines. The wind of change is quickly rushing and the knot are intensifying to a level we had not witnessed before in the History of our Church. The Visayan event is next in sight and our brothers and sisters there are at the height of their campaign day in day out. You may have listened to the overwhelming response of government officials and local agencies of the host cities in Visayas particularly after UPF conference held last June 28 in Dumaguete City. They are taking ownership for the Interfaith Blessing event which is very inspiring and worth sustaining with our support. The mobilizers from HQ will be on their way any time soon to reinforce the front line encounters until the main event of the day.
I would like to ask you brothers and sisters regarding our vital role and Participation in this Historic event. As contingent division, we may not be on the frontline physically but strategically, our role to finance the event is as crucial as anything. I am not asking us to perform the occasional heroic act, which is difficult and out of the ordinary, but just plainly to become the kind of person who naturally, almost without thinking about it, does generous things rooted out of our love for God and True Parents and our Country. These, after all are the driving force for all our energy and money we spend as well as tears we shed for earth and heaven. Let us take it one step at a time Brothers and Sisters without losing sight of our greater goal to bring our country as a CIG nation of filial piety to GOD.
We have witness the power of unity how one coin, one dream one action and direction created a Miracle. Let us duplicate the feat through your commitment and unwavering support. Let that ounce of generosity create the ripples that could touch brothers and sisters in unity to answer the call of times. We have just few weeks on the go and despite our financial limitations and difficulties let us encourage one another to dig deeper on our pocket to fulfill our task. Our one simple act of faith and kindness I believe can move heaven and make the difference toward the Viasayan event. We may be looking from a distance every turns and twists of the event but deep in our heart, we know we belong and we are very much a part of it. You and I may not be on the frontline but we are the silent voices and unknown faces behind and yet, Heaven put a greater burden and Blessing upon our shoulders that we may know and acknowledge our path to spiritual growth and maturity by doing and fulfilling our portion of responsibilities as Blessed Central Families only we are capable of doing. May we all grow in blessings and LOVE as we seek God and True Parents in our lives for all the providential events we are called to participate.
We had received a letter from National Headquarters asking us to fulfill 40,000/ Blessed families those who can afford on one time please, like me who find it difficult we can give twice deadline will be July 14 and final will be August 12. Tokyo Area Kindly send to Baguio Alexander Bacus acct # 10150- 82538321. Western Area kindly ask to Mr. Jun Jumawan. Our Filipina sisters send to Obuchi Kenji acct #10230-22554701 donation from the Heart.
Thank you very much for all your untiring efforts and support, may Heaven's blessings be upon you and your family.
Sincerely yours,
Dante S. Negre
PUCMJ President