The Words of the Ngan Family |
I am particularly inspired by the passages in the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 30, verses 9-15. If I'm not mistaken, it was the words God taught and warned the Israelites soon after they left Egypt. God told them the outcomes if they followed or disobeyed His words. In a similar way, we are also comparable to a new Israelites who had left our Egypt and are heading towards the Promised Land. Father has taught us lots of Heavenly things in order to qualify us to be the Citizens of the Cheon Il Gook. We must constantly remind our self of Fathers' words and what we have learnt from the Divine Principle. I would like to share my reflections on a few points in the Divine Principle.
(1) Lucifer, The Morning Star. Being an Angel of Light who knew the Principle inside out, he still went ahead to commit the Fall because of "position". We Unificationists who teach and are taught with the Divine Principle, should realize that we are not immunized from being tempted by "positions" even though we "possess" the Divine Principle.
(2) Adam and Eve. They fell because of "love" though they were born sinless. As Unificationists whose sins have been forgiven by True Parents through the Holy Wine Blessing, we should realize that the possibility of committing the Fall always exists as long as we are far from perfection.
(3) Cain killed Abel. Cain's killing of his brother was also because of "position". We should realize that our fallen natures have been manifested in this world of conflicts and wars. Accordingly, when we notice someone suffer in fighting, we should repent though we may not actually involve in the conflict.
(4) Israelites. They constantly failed to fulfill their portions of responsibility and delayed God's providence by disuniting with their Central Figures, despite of God's constant warnings (such as in the Book of Deuteronomy). They also suffered without knowing what they suffered for. Their history is a great lesson for us.
(5) Judas Iscariot. He betrayed Jesus because of "money" (only a handful of silver). The temptation for "money" is as great as "position". While we need to feed our stomach, we should not obstruct God's will because of "money". Father has taught us that the individual should sacrifice for the whole. We should realize that the possibility of becoming another Judas Iscariot exists if we concern for personal interests more than the purpose for the whole.
We should also beware that our faith is constantly being put into tests and challenges as there are, beside True Parents the Cosmic Messiah, also the National Messiahs, etc. We should understand that what the Principle teaches us about Jesus is also applicable to True Parents and other Messiahs. We should not pretend to follow True Parents while at the same time do something against their directions behind their backs, thinking that they do not know, and even if they know, they would forgive anyway. Let us not be the Judas Iscariot who put the world into hell.
(6) Cheon Il Gook Holy Wine. After drinking this Holy Wine, there is no more forgiveness. This means that we are fully responsible for our own sins and any mistakes. Let us not try to test the Heavenly Laws for it will be too costly to do so for our physical life, spiritual life, and Heaven might be at stake. Let us strike to be True Sons and Daughters of God.
Thanks for reading.
Delia Ngan