The Words of the Ngan Family |
Hi, Brothers / Sisters,
I appreciate many of your great views on this topic of Cain / Abel. I am impressed that most of you are on the right understanding of this issue. I believe that your good faith are guiding you well. Here I wish to share my opinion.
Firstly I wish to comment on what Bruno has said: (1) "Abel must have a big heart". This view is right and wrong depending on the angle from which it is look at. It is right because Abel is also a fallen man just like Cain who needs to develop his spirituality. Actually God uses Cain to educate Abel.
On the other hand, it is wrong for Cain to demand Abel's "big heart" because Lucifer's accusation to God was, "You did not love me more than enough; otherwise I would not had fallen." This is for this reason the original Divine Principle text emphasizes more on the Cain's portion of responsibility, i.e. absolute faith, love, and obedient. This is also the reason Father had said that unity precedes love.
In most cases, Cain's view of "love" is "no scolding", though Jesus had scolded the Scribe and Pharisee for being hypocrites and had even "cursed" the Jerusalem to destruction. I will tell you some examples of True Parents' scolding later on.
(2) "Cain can go to God directly without being inter-mediated by Abel". Again I believe this is right and wrong depending on the angle of viewing. This is right because after killing Jesus, the Israelites still could continue to worship God in their temples. Also, after killing Abel, God communicated directly to Cain, telling him, "Why is your countenance fallen? If you do well..."
However, this view is wrong because for the sake of salvation, God has to divide Cain from Abel, symbolizing division of evil from goodness, and have Abel control over Cain symbolizing goodness controlling over evil. This is through this Cain / Abel unity, i.e. Foundation of Substance, and Foundation of Faith that God can send the Messiah to establish His heavenly sovereignty.
Cain / Abel unite in order to remove fallen natures. While there are 4 main types of them, there are actually myriads of them; e.g. "hatred" is 1st type, failure to love the person whom God loves; "arrogance" is 1st type; disloyalty, disobedient are 3rd types; lying, cheating are 4th type etc. True Parents choose the humble Hyung Jin Nim as leader because humility is the first step in learning and growing.
Foundation of Faith and Foundation of Substance are our inevitable indemnity course of everyone. It is also a course of True Children, I believe.
History of human conflicts and wars are the history of manifestation of fallen natures. In fact, Communism is the greatest manifestation of Cain's natures. Here lay the key to world's peace: Removing fallen natures and separating from Satan.
However, Abel's challenge in establishing the Foundation of Faith is to make sure that his offering to God is "pure, sacrificial lamb" and not a "magnificent golden calf". And Cain's challenges in establishing his Foundation of Substance is to make sure that he follows the actual "Jesus figure" and not the "high priest, Pharisee, figures". In general, we cannot follow Abel only when Abel's directions are against the teaching of the Divine Principle, against True Parents' directions, not to believe True Parents as the Messiah or Chapter 2 things etc.
Our Church is now facing the Hyun Jin Nim and the Korea Peninsular problems. I believe it is because somewhere in our course of establishing Foundation of Faith and Foundation of Substance, something had gone terribly wrong. "Selflessness" and "selfishness" are in general, the deciding factors. Even a slight little iota of selfishness in the mind of Cain and Abel will be a seed that eventually develops into devastating damages against True Parents.
Normally, when True Parents come to know about our mistakes, they would silently shed tears for us, pray for us, send signals to us (i.e. they would not tell bluntly about our mistakes), and prepare Holy Wine for us. Since 2005, we had drunk three great Pardon Holy Wine (Ironically. in my husband's country, the National Messiah's matter occurred in the year-end of 2004). Isn't it the clear proof that some very very serious mistakes had already been committed by us?
My husband told me that many years ago in our US Church, there was an incident when two brothers engaged in an actual physical brawl, and the case was subsequently brought to the ears of True Parents. The next morning halfway during the morning service in East Garden, True Father suddenly sent a Tai Kwan Do flying kick to Rev. Won Pil Kim who was sitting in the front row and then some Karate chops to some other senior Korean brothers sitting next to Rev. Won. All these brothers, on receiving the blows, just laughed ha ha ha.... True Father knew that if he punished the two brothers of brawling, they might just leave the Church; therefore, he punished those who could take it, namely our senior Korean brothers.
My husband also told me another incident happened in another country. In this country the young leaders cain-up against their leader very badly. That incident also went to the ears of True Parents who subsequently invited these leaders for morning breakfast at Han Nan Dong's Church during an opportunity when these leaders visited Chung Pyung. On meeting them, the very first thing True Father did was asking them, "Where is your leader Mr. XXX?" True Father asked that question not because he was looking for Mr. XXX whom he had seen often during morning services. He hinted to these leaders that he deeply concerned about their mistreatment of Mr. XXX resulting Mr. XXX returning to Korea. Nevertheless, throughout the meeting, True Parents only asked about their Blessing situation and gave them some money before their departure. That breakfast meeting is recorded in a photo showing these leaders' proud and honoring great smiles surrounding a pair of bitter faces of True Parents.
These incidents show that True Parents treat us as "baby" and they are patient with us; but we should realize ourselves that we need to grow up.
Thinking of True Children's and Korea Peninsulas situation, let us reflect in our heart and learn a lesson from our past mistakes.
God bless.
Delia Ngan