The Words of the Nishi Family |
1) The "True Peace and Unity Cheonbok Festival", from February 3(True God's Day) to February 9(True Parents' Birthday),will be held for all blessed families and the people of the world to start the New Year in prayer and Jeong Seong centering on God and True Parents. Let us inherit all the victories of True Parents and celebrate the value of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind beyond the boundaries of religion, race and nation.
2) February's Sunday Service will be held on February 6 at Shibuya headquarters 2nd floor from 2:00.
We will commemorate True God's Day and connect in heart and spirit with the festivities in Korea. After, please stay for cake and fellowship! You are welcome to bring cakes, fruit and snacks.
Our Youth Service (Jr. Sr. High age) will start a new and fun program with Service For Peace on Feb. 6 at 2:00. If you can come, please contact Chiaki or Tadami.
3) March 6 is our annual IFA General Meeting. Directly following our March Sunday service we will meet together. Please try to come…we need your input!
4) MCF Family Support Seminars: February 16th in Urawa Seminar in (English), February 26th in Fujisawa (Japanese) For more details, see Chiaki.
5) We have Divine Principle study groups throughout the Kanto Area. If you are interested in attending or interested in our lecture series and one day workshops, please see Nancy.
6) Our dear elder sister, Joy Pople, from the USA hopes to meet IFA members in Akabane for lunch and sharing on February 12, Saturday at 11:00. She will be in Japan for only 2 days. If you want to meet with us, please contact Nick Bikkal.
7) True Father's Biography: English available on Feb 6 for ¥800. Japanese is ¥850. If you would like to buy quantity, please see Nancy Nishi.
8) Multicultural Family Support Center (MCF) NPO please sign up and join.
9) We would like to have a "Sisters only" time to gather. We would like your input as to what YOU would like to do together. Contact Nancy or Colette.
10) If you need information, or have any concerns that you want to report or discuss with our Japanese Church headquarters staff, they would like to hear from you. www.ucjp.org/?page_id=208 English is okay!
11)If you would like to subscribe to Today's World? Please ask.
12) Music for Sunday Service if you would like to help, perform, or sing with our newly forming choir… We love to listen! Please see Koji Kajiwara. All ages!