The Words of the Nishi Family |
Hi everyone,
I'd like to report on the event that took place today at the Rihga Plaza Hotel behind Waseda University near Edogawabashi in Tokyo today.
Before doing so, let me give a BIG shout out to the 'Enjoy Africa' brothers and their families who came on very short notice (yesterday) to perform as part of, and actually, the best part of the entertainment prior to the keynote speeches! THANK YOU!!
This event has been held every year for some time to mark True Father's graduation from Waseda University ~ now 71 years ago, and to add to the foundation of efforts being made on every front to allow True Father to enter Japan. More than 500 members and special guests gathered on the 3rd floor ballroom of the Rihga Hotel and we treated to special entertainment that included 20 current second generation students at Waseda, a drum and dance troupe, JHS choir, and a group of singers dressed in Korean Hanboks... And then our own IFA Enjoy Africa with wives, children, and at least one 'ji-chan'. Their performance started with drums and dancing that had everyone clapping their hands and stamping their feet. Then suddenly the previous performers joined them on stage to clap and dance to the wonderful beat they had going, and then in a few minutes the whole place was up out of their chairs swaying and clapping, and dancing. A wonderful sight to behold and only beca use of the Enjoy Africa brothers and sisters. They did us proud!
Rev Song, Japanese church leader gave the keynote address in Korean with simultaneous translation in Japanese. We will try and get a summary of the main points posted soon.
Many thanks to our IFA Mama, Nancy Nishi for spending most of the day yesterday on the phone coordinating the African brothers and sisters.
I hope we find out about the event earlier next year and more of us can make it along.
Best regards