The Words of the Olson Family |
I attended Chung Pyung for the first time recently with the assistance of my beautiful bride, Toshiko. We chose to attend the 5th Purification Azalea Festival to correspond with my 8-day Special Workshop for Blessed Husbands along with being in attendance for the 100th Special Workshop and True Parents' 50th Golden Marriage Ceremony. It truly was an amazing opportunity to experience God's grace and inherit heavenly fortune.
I have tried to attend the husbands' workshop in the past, but with my work schedule it has been very difficult. I am very appreciative that True Father has allowed the 40-day workshop to be represented by an 8-day condition.
As a westerner from the USA, I was glad to hear we had more international team members represented during the festival than ever before. We had excellent support from the staff at the international office to answer questions and give guidance. I hope with the added encouragement of those that have attended Chung Pyung our contingent can continue to grow.
I am very thankful that Toshiko and others have helped me to understand the importance of the work being done at Chung Pyung. Dae Mo Nim along with Heung Jin Nim in the spirit world is working very hard to assist us with the conditions we make. Through the Holy Song Sessions and the Ancestor Liberation and Blessing Ceremony the spirit world can bring aid to us. Our prayers were heard directly by heaven at the Jeongshim Won and we also wrote Fulfillment of Wishes Papers.
Dae Mo Nim is constantly seeking ways to help support us. Her deep abiding love for us is evident in all that she does. On numerous occasions she even opened her special prayer room for those seeking additional spiritual attention.
During the festival we also had the assistance of the 400 billion Absolute Good Spirits and angels to help us inherit Heavenly Fortune. The great works that are being accomplished at Chung Pyung are serving to correct the damage done since the Fall of Man.
I can't be sure whether it was the Water of Life or a combination of all the opportunities for healing that cured a lower back/hip problem I've been experiencing in recent years. I do know that since departing Chung Pyung the problem has not reoccurred.
I'm very grateful I could experience the grace of God and inherit Heavenly Fortune at this special concurrence of events. I encourage everyone to experience the healing power available at Chung Pyung at their earliest opportunity.
Larry Allen Olson