The Words of the Orbegoso Family |
On March 25, 2009, the recently established Global Peace Foundation of Paraguay sponsored Cultural Peace Festival under the theme, One Family Under God in Asuncion, Paraguay. Organized by several key peace ambassadors from the Congressional Office of International Affairs and the Ministry of Education, the exciting festival surpassed everyone’s expectation.
The festival was held in the historic Plaza de Armas, which is located in front of the original National Congress building. As the crowd began to swell, a military helicopter hovered overhead and four paratroopers slid down ropes, carrying the national flag of Paraguay, the flag of the Congress, the flag of the UN and the GPF peace flag.
This was followed by congratulatory remarks by a number of VIPs, including the President of the Congress and the wife of the Vice President of the nation. Next, a video of GPF 2008 was shown to the audience. Then Mr. Thomas Field, President of the Global Peace Foundation of Paraguay, was invited to the stage to offer the keynote address conveying the message of “One Family Under God” by Dr. Hyun Jin Moon.
The second part of the program included musical and dance performances by 23 different national groups. The audience was entertained by the professional quality of the performances. They clapped and cheered again and again in joy. A special GPF award was presented to a musical legend and an icon, Quemil Yambay, who has been entertaining people for 50 years with his music. Then the four and a half hours Festival closed with a grand finale that included all of the performers on the stage.
On Sunday, April 5, a two-hour TV program about the Global Peace Foundation and the Cultural Peace Festival was broadcast on the national TV channel at prime time. The broadcast included a segment covering Dr. Hyun Jin Moon’s visits to Paraguay in February and July 2008, with his historic speeches at the National Congress Hall and in the Olympia Stadium during the Global Peace Festival. It also showed the inauguration of the Global Peace Foundation in January 2009, with the participation of many VIPs, including a number of Congressmen and Senators.
One segment covered a recent event of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, which was sponsored by the Global Peace Foundation and was attended by over 350 female leaders of the country. Finally, the TV program highlighted the Cultural Peace Festival.
This Cultural Peace Festival is planned to take place in each of Paraguay’s 17 provinces this year, starting with one in June.
Special thanks go to Mr. Ernesto Orbegoso, General Secretary of GPF Paraguay, for his hard work and attention to details, making sure everything was done according to the plan, also to Mr. Jorge Beltran, for his professional work of editing the GPF video and preparation of all banners, flags, signs, pamphlets and flyers. Appreciation also goes to Lorenzo Pessoa, Indiera Thiessen and Aurelio Acosto.