The Words of the Ottosson Family |
When our couple was working with Dr. Seuk and Divine Principle education for students in the former Soviet Union in the early 90's, Dr. Seuk often talked about his goal to create a positive environment for True Parents. He led the providence with such a heart and gave thousands of students a happy workshop experience that would create a positive spiritual atmosphere in their nations.
When True Father asked Blessed Couples to distribute 430 books of his autobiography, we felt it was an opportunity to pick up the baton and help raise the spiritual atmosphere in this nation. Even if people who received the book only read a few pages, having absorbed his words out of their own will, could only contribute to their spiritual wellbeing. Having True Father's picture in their home would also attract their good ancestors. This alone has the potential to change people's spiritual fortune.
We gave the book to family, friends and relatives and also to a few libraries. As this hardly made a dent in the stack of 430 copies in our living room, we decided to go out and ask people if they wanted a book. Our experience knocking doors and asking people if they wanted to receive and read the book was truly a concept breaker. Living in red-neck, right wing Christian Missouri, there are plenty of reasons in your mind to avoid knocking on anyone's door and asking them if they want to read Rev. Moon's autobiography. Having also stamped all the books with our name, there was really no hiding behind a "hit and run" strategy. Also, we did not think that this was what True Father had in mind when he asked us to give the book.
Starting out one Sunday afternoon after church in an area far from where we live, we found out that our concepts were just that, concepts. The experience was really not comparable to anything we have experienced before. As it was really all positive, we ventured to the town we live in.
It was truly refreshing to be able to give to people without asking for anything back. On MFT the goal always included to get money from people. When we invite people to come to events we want their time. This time we could give without expecting anything in return. People can feel when you give unconditionally and those who received the book were often overwhelmingly grateful. Memorable responses were; "Awesome! Thanks!", "Why did you choose me?", "Thank you! God bless you!", "You are not going to send me a bill?", "For me? Really?", "Please pray for us! We need peace.", "This is very unusual. Thank you!", "Really? Are you sure?", "I hope I can find inspiration in it!", "My daughter lives here, please give here one too! And to my neighbor here also, please!"
We found that people don't have concepts or know about True Parents. Young people have never heard their names. There was absolutely no persecution. Of course some people did not want the book and some people recognized Father's picture but there was never any bigger rejection than "no thank you". Does it matter where you live? It sure does for those people who live around you and receive when you decide to share of the blessings given to you. In the end, it was not only inspirational for those who received but also for our family as we found many open hearts willing to receive the story of True Father's life.
Bjorn, Carol and Alex Ottosson