The Words of the Peemoeller Family |
Bodyguard for Christ: One Disciple's Experience Protecting the Messiah (Gerhard Peemoeller) (Michael La Hogue - July 14 2011) |
Gerhard Peemoeller's new book Fishing with Our Father (Krista Moon - November 13, 2012 pdf) |
Gerhard Peemoeller unexpectedly passed to the spirit world (Ernest & Keiko Patton and Dan Fefferman - April 24, 2015 pdf) |
In Memorium Gerhard Peemoeller (Clint Woods - April 27, 2015 pdf) |
In Memory of Gerhardt Peemoeller (1945 - 2015) (Crescentia DeGoede - April 27, 2015 pdf) |
Passing of our Beloved Brother, Gerhard Peemoeller (Ki Hoon Kim and Michael Balcomb - April 29, 2015 pdf) |