The Words of the Pine Family |
I would like to share my testimony in order to bring out my personal experience of what the Blessing really means. I've been a member of the church in America now for more than 12 years, and it seems that's how long I've been waiting for the Blessing. When I first joined the church, the members still kept outside jobs or continued attending school.
I remember well a time of fasting and prayer conditions in support of the Blessing of 777 couples, in March of 1970. One day I was at my job at a printing company, fasting, and I saw the other employees eating and some of them also smoking cigarettes, which I had given up when joining the church; I thought to myself, "This is crazy. Here I am, fasting, giving up cigarettes, and doing these prayer conditions for people whom I've never met, 12,000 miles away. I don't even know a single one of them." But I prayed and fasted anyway, not because I really understood, but because I knew that the Unification Church was God's movement, He was behind it, and He wanted me to do it -- so I did.
One evening I was praying, and during this prayer I had a vision of myself sitting with a Korean woman in the middle of a lovely green field. Since that time, I've always believed that this vision would come true. My life took a different course, however, when I became matched three years ago in America, to an American sister; but single-mindedly I accepted Father's choice.
Before the American Blessing, however, my engagement was broken, and I was left sinking in deep feelings of rejection, and questioning my own worthiness. In such a state, I was lying on my bed, exhausted from despair and crying, when I had another vision. Again it was the Korean woman, with a face so kind and peaceful; I noticed she looked very much like a sister who is a friend of mine in the church. In this way, I received the idea that God was somehow preparing me. This Korean friend whom I recognized in the vision actually has a young son, so my feeling was that my eternal mate might be a woman who already has a child. As a result, I went to Mr. David Kim, one of the Korean leaders in America, and spoke with him about these visions, making preparations in my heart to accept anyone.
At the international matching in Korea, I volunteered for a Korean match, and Father asked me three times if I really wanted Korean. "Yes, Father." I had the bitter feeling of having been rejected before, but my heart was steady and I was ready to accept Father's choice. After waiting for the Blessing for 12 years I was so eager, and I believed that anyone Father chose would be the perfect spouse.
Father selected Kim Hwa Yeop, and we talked. "Let's get married," I said, and then she began to tell me that she had been married before, and she had an eight-year-old daughter. For me, this was even more fantastic. Already I felt as if I was in a happy state of shock. I could know that her heart of feeling rejection was greater than mine. My great wish of having a family had suddenly become very real. For me it was like a miracle. The recipe God was giving to me is "Take three people, add Holy Wine, stir and pour -- Instant Family!" For me, the vision God had given me had become a living dream.
I'm sorry I can't write more, but I'm on my way to back to Korea, very soon.