The Words of the Reid Family |
Donald Reid, author and journalist
Testimony from the OSDP Seminar in Korea of Dr. Donald Reid
This writer comes to you today as a providential member of the 172 Clergy selected to be on the Pilgrimage to South Korea in September, 2011. Accordingly, I am happy to report to you that the foregoing journey has been a life-changing experience.
Moreover, it is said that stronger than all the armies in the world is an idea or message or moment or movement whose time has truly come.
The American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) is an organization whose time has come. Reason: At its very core lies the "inspiration of God." (2 Timothy 2:16)
We, the 172 Clergy, shared together, prayed together, cried together, laughed together and in the end celebrated our most merciful Lord and King together as one.
This phenomenal experience was "repeated" thought not "duplicated" once again on American soil as we gathered together in the Garden State of New Jersey, in Atlantic City, with participants drawn from sea to shining sea.
Our stated mission and prayerful goal is and will continue to be "education in the Biblical Principles on family and providence as revealed in the Original Divine Principle."
We wish to thank all those laborers in the Lord's vineyard, that is, the Board of Directors of ACLC and the numerous Chairs and Co-Chairs throughout America, for being faithful to their stated mission in making this dream of the Unification of God's people -- irrespective of their individual denomination -- a reality.
Peace! Shalom! As-Salamu Alaykum!