The Words of the Robbins Family

God Should Be Loved First

J Hamm Robbins
May 13, 2001

How is it possible to have absolute love, faith, and obedience concerning Sun Myung Moon when he's adamantly said that God should be loved above all else? Isn't this an updated zen koan? One which bestows enlightenment upon resolution? Has he ordered anyone to clip his toenails...yet?

Resisting Sun Myung Moon is very difficult; Hyo Jin and many others can't do it. But why should they want to?

Sun Myung Moon knows God's heart because he worked out his own salvation, step by step. And until others work out their salvation, step by difficult step, Sun Myung Moon will be the only one who knows God's heart and purpose and providence. One resists Sun Myung Moon at the risk of delaying their own development. To think otherwise is to project excess baggage upon him, and to take on an extra load themselves. (How can you understand him if you don't speak Korean?)

Those around Sun Myung Moon are a pretty strange crew. A long time ago he told everyone to go home. Most of them didn't. Some have had the good fortune to have a hometown near where he's set up major projects. If they want more personal liberty they should go home. Anyone near-by is grist for the providential mill. By the same token, Sun Myung Moon needs a number of people he can trust, to act as his representatives. If their motives are for 'glory' then they will suffer until they realize what God is attempting to accomplish and make the project their own. Then they and Sun Myung Moon will be working together.

I appreciate Judeo-Christianity because of it's promise to 'vanquish' the King of this world. Kingship has been around for a long long time and is about to be displaced by something else. But you know that the powers which are in control don't want that to happen. And they will resort to religious forgeries to maintain their influence. I doubt that Jesus ever really used the metaphor of Kingship to describe his mission; except, perhaps in his final interview.

Everyone else was talking about Jesus as the King of Kings. But look at their situation. Kings were a pain; and only the power of God could get rid of them; so the idea of a King of Kings (under God's guidance) was natural. (For some reason the idea of an individual relationship with God was furbotten--so there had to be a mediator, and what the hell, kingship was their political paradigm.

It was also a handy means of side-tracking the sincere, so that later, kingship and God could be associated with Kings of the world. That's why the most popular images of Jesus are modeled after a former King of Norway, complete with blond hair and blue eyes. Of course, Jesus didn't look like an Aryan/Nordic; and neither did he speak of overthrowing the established political order. Kingship would have dissolved. America is the prime example of what God had in mind--a world of loving, faithful people obedient to God doing their best to work out their social problems. There is no room for Kings.) The concept of the King of Kings serves only monarchs.

Kingship and loyalty go hand in hand; as does family and loyalty. Kingship runs counter to 'personal liberty'--family life supports 'personal liberty'. Believe me when I say that God is really interested in personal liberty; otherwise America has no purpose, and the Kings are right--America is an abomination. Who are you going to believe, the Kings of the world, or your brother?

Maybe comparing Sun Myung Moon to a super Mr. Joo was a little over-the-top. But True Parents are essential to the transformation of human society. Don't be distracted by the trappings of Eastern thought. Jesus talked about the family of God before Confucius did. And though Confucian fathers juggled their son's balls to jocky for influence in the royal court, Christian fathers sent their hot-young daughters to convents for basically the same reason--to obtain favors from the King (of Kings).

Doesn't the blend of Confucianism and Christianity produce a superior form of fatherhood?

OK; let me get this straight. Sun Myung Moon yells some spooky-stuff and (pardon my French) bitch-slaps some bubbleheads who refuse to go home, and this is supposed to prove he's a power-crazed demi-god? I don't think so.

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