The Words of the Sedehi Family |
with my brother Nikolaus Beutl (from Austria) in Las Vegas, where we
both stepped out of the shadows of past misunderstandings about each
Today, I was looking at myself in the mirror. I saw God's love in myself, so vividly! So I thought I should capture this moment by taking a digital photo of it with my phone!
Well, after taking the picture of myself in the photo and comparing it with how I feel when I look at myself in the mirror, I realized that the photo is missing something, it does not have the same brightness of spirit that I am seeing in myself at this moment, in the mirror! I took yet another photo and the result was the same!
Then I had a realization, of what Father means by the phrase "living in shadows". I realized that every present moment of our life, is all that God sees, He is "past blind"! God only lives in the "NOW", not even in the "moment" before; thus, I could not see God's spirit in the photo which was the image of the moment before, in which God does not exist anymore..!
Ahhhh... that's a relief!
Living in shadows, means living in the past, all past is indeed "past"; it simply does not exist. And no matter how often we try to visit it, we will never find the living God in it, whether our actions were centered on God or not! The very definition of living is "live" (like a live broadcast), as opposed to something recorded, such as a video of an event.
So, what do I mean by all this?...
I mean:
Let's meet "NOW", with the true object partner of God, our True Parents!