The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Recently, Hyung Jin Nim talks a lot about "repentance". Yet, it is so difficult to feel that tearful prayers, except when I do the Chambumonim Eog Mansei! I have always been envious how sisters can shed water falls of tears in prayer, most any time they kneel down! Truly, except when I first joined the church, my eyes have been mostly dry in prayer.
Generally, men are much less connected to their heart than women. In any victory by brothers in our movement, actually, there must have been some great feminine prayer power, from a wife, sister or mother.
In order for sisters to support us brothers, we need to give them the support they need. Yet, here comes the dilemma! In order for us to open our hearts to give support to women, we men, need to be supported by women!.. so what gives!
The conclusion is that, we brothers need to first and last, give each other the support to gain the support of women. Women are the source of victory for us men; so we got to unite, otherwise we will always live in this dilemma!