The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon, May 15, 2011
Father has always said that Adam was God's Representative on earth. So if Adam is God's Representative, then what does it make Eve?
I would say Eve is the closest likeness to God's being which is the "Heart"! Contrary to ancient biblical belief that Eve was created as Man's help mate, I would say Adam was made for only one purpose: to be the protector of God's heart, which was embodied by Eve herself. In other words, Adam by not protecting Eve, he failed to protect the very being of God!
Adam is Eve's Ambassador for the rest of universe. Adam's mission and privilege is to make sure the universe receive Eve well. All these years I thought that was the Archangel's job to be the protector of Eve. No the real evil guy here is Adam, not Archangel or Eve.
Adam failed, and that's why Father had to come and restore Adam's position once and for all.
Father's entire mission is prepare a world where True Mother is entirely safe to express her whole compassion for this world, without any mistrust, or resistance.
All these years, I thought that True Mother was to protect and support Father's mission! But, actually, it has all been the opposite. Father dragged mother to the front scene, on the stage, everywhere he spoke, because he wanted the world to recognize her as the true leader of God's kingdom. True Father knew, how cruel this world can be toward women, therefore Father instead, made her suffer, so that this world may finally have compassion for her suffering and receive her.
We are still thinking of the Father as a Jesus figure. We think that purpose of history is the arrival of Father as Adam and Messiah. We don't realize that Father came to prepare the way for the substantiation of God's heart, in the form of True Mother! God is love! Our job as true brothers is to help you sisters to unite with True Mother and with each other. Yet, unfortunately, most women do not realize what's their centrality in this final age. They are still either hang up on resentment toward men in their life, or guilty of their own past!
The power to restore the world is not in the equality of men and women, but in men realizing that their only mission is to support the unity and love between women. If women unite then the "Holy Spirit" (True Mother) The Compassion of God, can stay on earth! Men and women will never be at peace, unless sisters are at peace, and men and men won't be at peace until man and woman unite.
So the root is the unity of women. The entire war in the middle east between descendants of Isaac and Ishmael, as well as all tribal, racial wars in the world, is all because of women not being able to unite (i.e. Sarah and Hagar, or Rachel and Leah).
So we men instead of supporting the sisters to unite, have been focusing on our success in our mission and careers or Art, spaced out like Adam who was naming Animals, instead of protecting her from Archangel!
We men have been the obstacle for True Love to reign on this planet, through the power of True Mother/Holy Spirit!
I as a man, am ready to help all women to unite and pray and play together! I will do whatever I can to help women unite through communicating online or wherever with each other.