The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Yesterday, here at the Las Vegas Lovin' Life ministry service, a few brothers encouraged the sisters to overcome their reluctance to join the sisters meeting after Sunday Service; we reassured them to leave the task of cleaning and caring after children to us men! So I picked up the vacuum cleaner and brother Walter kept up with cleaning after the children! Meanwhile, I felt such a Holy Spirit kind of peace among us brothers as we conversed!..
For years, we have relied mainly, on the wind of Spirit World to sail the Holy Spirit (feminine aspect of God) Association. Yet, with the advent of the Woman Era, the source of that wind has changed to women, the mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters in our lives.
Since, the Father Moon's proclamation(1992) of the "Queen-ship" of Mother Moon, the Blessed mothers, wives, sisters and daughters have the anointing to be the substantial "Holy Spirit" and to raise us up to be the true object to the Messiah's Will! Without the "blessing" of those women, there will not be a fortune of prosperity, health, and growth in our movement! Men need to heed women, as the source of their life (spiritual and physical).
As well, men need to support women to see themselves as that source; and as well, men must encourage women to value and bless other women with greatest devotion! Hence, Rev. In Jin Moon's call to Woman Federation on the role of women, as being responsible to raising mature Fathers, husbands, brothers and sons of peace!