The Words of the Sedehi Family

Women Are Not Dangerous!

Shahram Sedehi
September 30, 2011

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han, July 16, 2011

In order to love the one that is far away from us in relationship, we need to love the ones that are near to us first. It is like each person we love becomes a chain that links together, all the way back to the person in our life we need to reconcile with. There are no short cuts. Each kindness toward a woman, whether it be my mother, sister, daughter, or even stranger, gets me even closer to the woman I really want to spend eternity with.

For years I avoided relating with most women in my life, even my mother, so to prevent them from disturbing my marriage blessing. I saw women as dangerous beings whom Satan may use at any moment to attack my loyalty to my marriage.

Yet, I have realized now, that it is not the women that are dangerous, but it is me staying in my own head and not having tearful compassion for each and every woman's tearful course since the fall of man. 

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