The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon, September 20, 2011
"Scientists maintain that the
universe is made up of energy. Energy exists everywhere, as well as
force or power. Is force or energy first? Does the Divine Principle
teach that force comes into being by give and take action, or does
give and take exist after the force exists? … Certainly no
give and take happens without purpose; a force is the result of give
and take, but there must be some purpose preceding that give and
take. Nothing happens without purpose."
Sermon "Myself"
True Father
Most often complaint people have in this world and in our Unificationist community is lack of resources(wealth) for all! Yet, how often do we complain that we don't have enough "give and take (sincere relationships)"?
According the quote above, what is our priorities: Resources or Relationships? What you have or not, or rather, what is your mind and heart toward others?
The Answer is: Give and take (relationship) comes first before any "energy" or force or power can exist.
In the this era of women, we need to make relationships our priority, coordinating horizontally with each other and move as one in response to the vertical commands..." (Divine Principle-Eschatology-Sec 1-1.1)