The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon September 20, 2011
Absolute faith, love and obedience would have come naturally if Absolute Sex between Adam and Eve was originally fulfilled. Thus, in this era of substantiation of God's Kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, our priority must be to establish Absolute Sex: the ability to 'give love' and 'return beauty', spontaneously, between a man and a woman, one centering on the other, for the sake of inheriting the True Love of God. Hence, I will be presenting these series of blogs on Absolute Sex.
In our Absolute Sex relationship with our spouse, we often ask ourselves, 'am I a giving person?', yet, how often do we ask ourselves "am I a beautiful person. (one who returns beauty)? In order to establish true love, husband must give love and wife must return beauty. Let me illustrate: A 'giving love' scenario goes like this: subject gives love to object and again subject gives love to object; unlike the scenario, subject gives love to object and then object gives love to subject! Giving love is always in the 'forward direction'. However 'returning beauty' is always in the backward direction: object returns beauty to subject and again object returns beauty to subject, as she keeps receiving love from the subject.
Absolute sex exists in the longing for 'spontaneous' moments between the man and woman. Spontaneity exist only in the realm of freely initiating (giving love) and responding (returning beauty), never in the realm of demanding reward and forcing punishment. In ignorance, most husbands are looking to sex as their 'reward', instead of, simply the spontaneous 'response' (returning beauty) of the woman, they are caring for!
Most sex therapist say that sex is a mutual form of giving to each other. Therefore, they advise, that the couples must tell each other, what they want, and that they both must 'deliver' accordingly (like ordering from a restaurant menu)!.. "I want you to do this to me, and then a little of bit that, and then some more of that, and if that happens stop and do this, otherwise continue with that...!" In this manner, spontaneity is out the door and control and management is in!
When we say, I am a responsible' spouse', it should mean, 'I am able to respond spontaneously', centered on the needs of the other. Let me illustrate this process: When the man's sex organ enters the woman's sex organ, the man must be observing the response of the woman's sex organ, instead of his own sex organ. And likewise, woman must not be focused on, how her own organ is responding, but rather appreciating the way the man is initiating an entrance or a thrust.