The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon, September 20, 2011
As he was through practicing his new song "At Your Convenience", he lifted up his head to see whose humming voice has been accompanying him the last few chords! A slim tender woman standing there, smiling at him sweetly. A conversation started about the story behind the song....
Stop reading, "where do you see this story going?...let' see!"
The conversation led to deeper topics about man and woman relationship, as they suddenly found themselves sipping coffee at a Starbucks cafe, that was playing Flamenco guitar music!
STOP Reading again...Any ideas?!..Still not sure, so let's have another sip at this story!
He started realizing that he has not called his wife all day, as he got so immersed in the sweetness of the conversation with this new found friend! So, he accompanied the lady to her car and gave a quick call to his wife as he drove back! His wife was doing the kids laundry as he opened the door.
STOP: is he going to tell his wife about what happened or not?!...
He came back to house full of kids screaming, TV on full blast and the grim and tired face of his wife! She asked where have you been all day, why didn't you call? Isn't enough that I have to worry about kids all day, and now you are just another kid, just running off the street, making me have a nervous breakdown!
STOP: Well, is he going to or not! I just can't wait..!
Overpowered by his wife's emotional rage, he feels helpless and becomes silent, goes to the bedroom and picks up his other guitar and sits at the patio and continues practicing his new song for his wife. The sounds in house totally buries the sound of his quietly played guitar!
STOP: Well, looks like he just won't talk, will he, that idiot!..
It's late at night, the kids are finally sleep, his wife goes to pick up the toys left on the patio, and discovers her husband sleeping while sitting on the chair, embracing his guitar, as if he just finished making love to it! She shakes her head and sighs, and murmurs to herself "he is becoming a teenager again, ah, him and his guitar, how long can I take this?!..As she cleans up the patio floor, she discovers two pieces of paper, one is business card with the photo of a sweet looking woman on it that says "Don't let music die" Cecelia, Guitar Teacher. And the other paper is his lyrics, titled, "At Your Convenience"!
STOP: Now what do you think, what is going to be her reaction? Woe!