The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon, September 20, 2011
By the end of the day, if we cannot go beyond that UNHAPPY state of sexual-emotional-spiritual 'divorce' from our spouse, we must sound the alarm for the 'fireman', someone outside of circle, to rescue us!
In this writing, we will ask the question, "what defines Blessed married life?". There are two major realms: The Sexual-emotional realm, our Absolute sex as spouses with fidelity, and the spiritual realm, our Absolute faith, love and obedience as filial children of God and True Parents.
What is the common purpose between these two realms? Obviously, it is joy: To be happy as a filial child of God, who is joyful in a Blessed married life.
Accordingly we can say, if a couple is not happy, then, they are not an Ideal couple and not really married! Let me explain what I mean:
In popular culture, marriage is defined based on non-ideal standards, which states: "As long as the couple does not have sex outside of their marriage, they are married"!
Unfortunately, we see a similar statements from many Unificationists couples, " As long as we keep our sexual purity and follow True Parents and God, we have a Blessing of marriage life!" Needless to say, such type of faith and persuasion has 'killed' many marriages.
So, the criteria for a Blessed marriage life is NOT simply sexual purity and faith in God, but it is HAPPINESS in sex and in faith.
So, on a daily basis, if we are not happy with our conjugal relationship, we are not really married to our spouse that day, and cannot have sex with him/her. And if we are not 'happy' with our Blessing of marriage vows we made to Heaven, then we are not really married either; basically, we are in a state of 'DIVORCE'! until we are 'HAPPY' again!
By the end of the day, if we cannot go beyond that UNHAPPY state of sexual-emotional-spiritual 'divorce' from our spouse, we must sound the alarm for the 'fireman', someone outside of circle, to rescue us!
So, it is how we feel RIGHT NOW, that defines our Blessed married life, and NOT our PAST experiences.