The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Hyung Jin Nim recently proclaimed that he chooses to be "Father's Slave"!
This seemed to contradict what he first said in the beginning of his ministry: "We are True Parents children regardless of our past mistakes." Yet as well, a year ago or so, Hyung Jin Nim started emphasizing that "we must realize that we are all "sinners" regardless of how much we have kept ourselves "pure" or what we have done for God's providence, or regardless of our position, even as a True Family member!" (Paraphrased)
Here's my take on it all:
Hyung Jin Nim began his ministry, seeking to restore fallen nature No. 1: "Not Looking from God's Point of View". Hyung Jin Nim was emphasizing that, it is only the right of God and True Parents to judge anyone. Similarly, In Jin Nim pointed out that "our church was ravaged by "gossip" channels!"...
However, recently, Hyung Jin Nim is recognizing that, it is time to restore the fallen nature No. 2 "Not Keeping Proper Position". Thus, his emphasis has been, that we must know our "position" based on Principle and not leave it.
Therefore, it is time to let the person in the position of restored Adam, the True Parents-Messiah, "judge" us and bring us to "High Noon" era, outside of shadows of sin! It is time to restore the channel of Cain (Archangel) going through Abel (Adam), in order to restore our original nature.
In the era of Tribal Messiahship, I misunderstood that somehow the era of Cain and Abel restoration was over somehow! Yet, I did not realize that True Parents were pointing out that it is time we, and not True Parents, take responsibility for restoring ourselves.
In other words, True Parents will no longer "push" us to restore "Cain and Abel" relationship, but that it is ourselves that must recognize when we are in the position of "Cain" or Abel toward someone and simply restore that unity. Ultimately, even our position as "Cain" toward the ultimate Abel, our True Parents will be questioned among our movement and even that must be decided by ourselves, no one will "push" us anymore to follow.
So, let us "Keep Our Proper Position". If we don't know how, simply ask God, persistently, and He will surely show us!