The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Jin Moon and Kook Jin Moon January 24, 2012
I wrote this editorial to a brother who is struggling in his faith to whether follow True Parents or rather the call of Holy Spirit for the sake of "practical" Kingdom building. It seems that the two should be the same, but paradoxically I explained it is not!
I wrote:
"...Your statement about your closeness to God could apply to any person of any faith. People are having deep experiences all the time; yet, people have murdered Christ, while having those! (Sorry to be so harsh) The final test is that, can we bow before True Parents, namely, Rev Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon, physically and not just in our mind.
The purpose of creation is not, foremost, for us to be saved or liberated or protected...The purpose to creation is to liberate True Parents and therefore God, above all:
For years I thought I was in a self-improvement or communal or at most a "Holy Spirit" movement that helps me get close to God. But then I asked myself, if that was the purpose of this movement, why would it even come into existence, since this is being fulfilled by so many other movements, presently!
For now we will choose to follow the True Family despite their imperfection. Many times I united with leaders who were far from perfect and yet, I could come closer to True Parents despite it all. Why? Because Divine Principle of Cain and Abel simply works. Yes, Father has said that the era of indemnity is over. That means that he no longer will "push" us into Cain and Abel relationship like when we joined the movement years ago. But this time we need to choose to go the Cain and Abel course, on our own; that is a lot harder course!
For years, the term "liberate God" was a tragically impossible task for me to even start thinking about: How can I, who can't even liberate myself, liberate God?! Someone like me who can't even liberate one person from Satan to God, liberate God and True Parents?! How can I who can't even heal from my chronic health problems, actually "heal" the heart of God!? How can I who can't even do barely one sacrificial thing for my family or friend, "liberate" God!?
So I thought all these slogans are just a bunch rhetoric members just pass around! So I thought it is time that I just deal with my own "self-improvement" and forget the rhetoric!. Yes, I so did have many experiences with "Holy Spirit" and "healing" and I was able to be less judgmental and embracing, open minded and loving and warm and serving. I could overcome many of my false pride toward my wife and children and friends and brothers and sisters... and the list goes on.
...However, in the middle of all that I lost the most important thing about this movement has to offer: "True Parents" and "True Family".
It is all so paradoxical, that the purpose of an entire movement to be to protect a family of 40 or 50 people, the physical children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of True Parents! I asked myself... Shouldn't the purpose of a movement be, to save the world from suffering and bring joy and stability to its own pioneering community, like you and me?!...
This was the cry of many other members of Unification Church as well. Such a purpose has been the purpose of 1000s of other movements in the past who fought for freedom spiritually, politically, philosophically and economically! Did that actually bring any lasting peace to the world, though!?
There is a fact that none of us have been able to chew and digest, for years: That the purpose of creation is True Parents, first and foremost, way before the establishment of God's Kingdom and Ideal World and Holy Spirit association of Unification of World Christianity and so on...
Without True Parents, we would not be allowed to even exist on this planet, just as the very existence of Humankind for the last 2000 years was made possible, only, by God offering the very life of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ.
God now only has one True Son and Daughter, which is True Parents. True Parents have given all their power to do only one thing, and that is to protect us from the fierce judgment of God for the failure of mankind (including us) to truly love and attend True Parents, the perfect object of God's love.
We are not here to love the "legacy of True parents" but the actual physical True Parents living and breathing now! So many Christians to this day, since 2000 years ago, love the "legacy" of Jesus and even feel the "Holy Spirit" comforting them. But, look at where the world is, look at how weak they have been before communism and free sex revolution.
That's why the physical attendance to the True Parents and True Family is the only way mankind can indemnify their betrayal of God! God has no physical body, therefore we will always have divisions of religion, as everyone claims God for themselves. God must be embodied in one physical human couple in order to create one center for God's kingdom on earth and in heaven. Through this man and woman all cosmos can be connected.
I know you wonder what will happen after True parents go Spirit World. Yes, none of the True children have achieved perfection, so who would be the True Parents? As Hyung Jin Nim said, there will always be one set of "original" ancestors of mankind and one center for the cosmos, which is True Parents. Of course if we do reach perfection we will also become True parents and will be an extension of that center, and not independent of the center, but interdependent of it.
For now we will choose to follow the True Family despite their imperfection. Many times I united with leaders who were far from perfect and yet, I could come closer to True Parents despite it all. Why? Because Divine Principle of Cain and Abel simply works. Yes, Father has said that the era of indemnity is over. That means that he no longer will "push" us into Cain and Abel relationship like when we joined the movement years ago. But this time we need to choose to go the Cain and Abel course, on our own; that is a lot harder course!
Everlasting, Love Life and lineage does not get born through personal experiences within the depth of our own mind and the Holy Spirit, as even the highest forms of Christianity and Judaism is the proof of that failure.
Everlasting, Love Life and lineage only is reborn when we go through the body of True Mother and True Father, as we follow the Cain and Abel model, voluntarily!"