The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Jin Moon and Sun Jin Moon January 24, 2012
After three decades in Unification Church, this is the question that I finally can answer.
We are in the age of Attendance, not faith anymore. However, many of us due to our unprepared backgrounds as people of faith, we had to go through a period of faith before we could come to grasp with the age of Attendance, which is also called absolute obedience.
I know this is where you want to STOP READING!..
Yes, It is actually possible to have absolute obedience, as long as we know what that means.
Obviously, it does not mean we are "perfect" before we are even born!!!...
Absolute Obedience means we are in the age Attendance instead of Faith (i.e. Christianity). So we follow and then faith comes later. However, that is the BIG BUMP In the ROAD!
How is it possible to just follow? Let's ask, why we stop following? Usually it is due to some unpleasant results, based on emotional, intellectual or will conflict!
So, why is there a conflict in the first place? Because, we are sinners, and our motivation is not centered. But, how do we bring it to the center?
1. The center has to be True Parents and not anyone else!
2. Report on daily basis to three levels of Abel higher than myself
3. Repent and Report (i.e. pray unceasingly) on constant basis all that you feel, do and think to Heavenly Parents
I lived this way of Attendance, at times as a Unificationist, and I always was blessed. The minute or the day that I quit that I simply could unite and follow or communicate with my Abel, and I had to "split"!
Therefore the Age Attendance does not mean that we must "ACT PERFECTLY" united with our Abel.
It simply means Be Sincere in your life by Reporting everything and Repenting for your mistakes unceasingly!
It is not age of praying that I do the right thing. It is the age of reporting what right thing I did and how to improve it as I repent.