The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 24, 2012
Reflecting on how much my wife has given of herself to me, to the point that she forgot that she even existed. I realized this is the same for the feminine aspect of God, which is love, in contrast to the principle based nature of the masculine God.
It was God's feminine aspect that bore and gave existence to this universe, anchored in the absolute principles of the and masculine God. Yet, She gave so much of herself to the point that she lost all consciousness of her own existence. The only thing that would give Her consciousness of herself back would have been her children returning the love back to the Father and from the Heavenly Father to back to Her.
Yet due to the fall, love was never returned and therefore The Mother of this Earth ceased to exist as a Unique being, and only existed in us Her creation.
That's why True parents, had to first "Throne" God in 2001 and this year "Marry" God for the first time in history. True Parents gave Her, Her identity back and She could feel Herself, Her body, Her value.
I am realizing that women give so much of themselves, that they forget their own identity, and that's simply the nature of love. We men are there to help them retain their unique identity, by appreciating their love and returning it. It is the women that give life to this universe, it is love that makes this world go around.
We must be unchanging in our service to these mothers of the earth, so they can feel comfortable to be "creative", changing into so many colors of emotion and love.