The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Moon July 28, 2011
Love is a marathon, as True Father always say. It is not a sprint! Love is long, never short. Love is going through the winter, and coming into spring, but the spring is only the beginning, and then it is summer, time to build love, in the sweat of its heat, and then it is Autumn, time to harvest love and store up for winter and start to make it through its process of letting go of the past.
To make love real, we must know how to say "Hello" and "Goodbye" at the same time! We must know when it is time to give, it is also time to receive.
Yes, love is a long marathon of 10's of laps around the field. One has to always come back "home" where one started the "lap" and be ready to go away to the next lap the next second!
Yet, coming to that very second where end and start of the lap meet, is worth all the sweat of the length of all those 10's of laps...
A marathon runner, is grateful to come home and also to go away from it; because, after all, he has a home!