The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 27, 2012
Father Once said if you understand Tamar's story (sleeping with her own father-in-law to preserve God's lineage), you could understand the entire Divine Principle.
She actually sought to unite three generation of men in the family, at the risk of her life and reputation. This is how sacrificial a woman are. Nothing comes above love for them.
When we read the story of Sarah wife of Abraham, marrying the Egyptian King, to save her husband and tribe, risking her decency reputation, we men should be crying at the feet of our wives in appreciation.
But, what men has done in history for such women? Nothing but judgment, getting jealous, and starting wars.
When Eve went to Lucifer, she was looking for a way to unite the Archangel (the elder) to the Adam (the younger) her future husband. Yet, do we see a single conversation with Adam and Lucifer before the actual incidence of the fall? No!
Adam (just like Abel) was too arrogant. Adam just like the rest of us, simply got jealous and judgmental toward Eve and abandoned her with Lucifer, and that's when evil came into this world..