The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon -- May 10, 2012
Have you ever heard that phrase said by others or yourself? "All I Need is God and Nature!" When we say that, what we are really saying is "I hate Adam and Eve", as Lucifer said..."I am too jealous, and hurt to love anybody"... "I'd rather worship God and nature, at least I always know where they stand, there are no anxieties dealing with them.", "I just miss the times when it was just me, God and nature." Or in the case of some Unificationists, "I don't care if anybody loves me, I just would rather be left alone to do my mission, just God and me!"
There was the song by Beatles "All I need is Love!" Well, that song revolutionized the culture, because, young people were protesting how their parents, and society was mostly about worshiping either God or Money! They saw a world divided by race, religion, politics, so on...
Worshiping is what Angels do, and we all are at time in the position to deny this world and just worship God and nature. However, doing so, will never restore True Love, even in a million years!
I am sure when you witness to some people, there is usually the answer, "I don't need a mediator between God and me, all I need is God." This person is really saying, I am too hurts to love again, to be a human being, instead of just an angel, a servant.
And, that's why loving True Parents, the restored Adam and Eve, is the beginning of becoming human again, and resurrecting to a higher realm than angels.