The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon -- May 13, 2012
True Father said: "...In year 1976, the entire history of God was culminated in...Yankee Stadium rally and the Washington Monument rally..." "So, now I can say for a fact, that not only our church and movement is a success already, as long as we cherish the victory of those initial rallies on world stage, but also, that my marriage is already victorious every time I am proud of those early blossoms of love that opened in my heart for my wife. That realization made me ask, could it be that the "rally" that has culminated history of God in me, may have already occurred?!"
As I was reading those verses, an old question was answered: "How could True Father endure all the persecution here in America for 30 years?" He surely never spent that many years in any other country other than Korea, his birthplace. Furthermore, I remembered his words, "the victory or defeat of any venture is determined at its outset, and not in the middle of it!
As men, we "think", that the biggest thing we can do for God is yet to come in our life!
However, for our wife the "greatest rally" has already happened at the beginning, in the days before the wedding and the wedding day, of course! Every time they are down in life, they try to remember the "first" days with their man.
Reflecting on all these realizations, I started remembering the entire year before my wife and I came together as married couples. We were living and working in the same church center in Seattle.
Countless hand in hand walks, beside the bay and fisherman wharf, while we went witnessing...our hugs after praying together, and even our silly fights...The memories brought such tears of longing for my wife, which I have not had for a long time. Yes, that year was the "victory rally" for our couple and me.
Recently, my pastor and friend Damian, has been saying, that we dare not bring anyone to our church because it is not perfect yet! Yet, we forget, that it was this imperfect church that gave us the environment for our rebirth, when we first joined.
So, now I can say for a fact, that not only our church and movement is a success already, as long as we cherish the victory of those initial rallies on world stage, but also, that my marriage is already victorious every time I am proud of those early blossoms of love that opened in my heart for my wife.