The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon -- May 18, 2012
Continuing from this article The origin of the feeling of embarrassment is the feeling Adam and Eve had while they had sex, in front of the Archangel. They were supposed to have their first sex experience in front of God, in which case they would never have experienced embarrassment. So the Bible says, they felt ashamed of their nakedness.
So every time we feel embarrassed, we are actually repeating that scene, on an emotional level. However, if we ask God to "watch" us, while we do something that embarrasses us, then that action would not be embarrassing anymore. The key is to intentionally ask God to "watch" us in those moments. And I must add, we mistakenly assume that God sees everything we do! God can "see" everything, but He chooses not to, in order to give us the freedom of will.
So the words embarrassment and watching are very interrelated.