The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon -- 2012
When someone says "I am worried about you", how do you feel? Notice I did not ask what do you say. What we say, and what we feel most times is entirely different.
The Bible advises us "Not to Worry"! So, when someone says to us I am worried about you, you are being encouraged to actually "worry"! What the person is really saying, "I have lost faith in God's Word, and in myself".
When Adam and Eve fell, God was not worried, He simply asked "where are you?" Meaning, you have not been reporting to me recently, so I want you to take responsibility and give me an update. Because, I am sure Adam reported to God on a consistent bases, yet suddenly stopped. (Hence, True Parents are asking us to Report to God)
When Lucifer was "worrying" about Eve, that is when fall happened. Lucifer was there to serve Eve as an object. However, he took the false subject position by being "worried" that Eve is not getting what she deserves from God!
So basically when someone says they are worried about you, without you actually asking for help, then that person is doing the same thing as Lucifer, leaving their proper position.
So the solution is to make a consistent commitment to report to the person, even if it be once a year, or month, so on, and not respond to their "worry calls".