The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon -- 2012
Women are about how to get things done (as perfectly as possible) for others, or how to make others and themselves simply feel good (or excellent) about life, but they are not interested why they do what they do, on any other level than what is going on.
It is us men who need to know the for meaning of existence, and love and God, so on. Women don't run on that engine. They want love, now, and not when we can figure it the meaning of life, history and religion.
Adam was given the commandment originally, because he was the spiritual leader for the family, and one is enough! So, let's love women and stop psychoanalyzing them.
Can you go get some strawberry ice-cream.
No, you don't need strawberry ice-cream, this is just a sign that you feel a lack of love, because you did not unite with God's providence!
(Just go get the ice-cream)