The Words of the Sedehi Family |
Myung Moon -- 2012
What makes a man a man and a woman a woman? We see a complementary relationship between the two different sexual organs of man and woman which defines them, externally. However, how does that apply to the internal aspect of manhood and womanhood?
True Parents have said, it is manhood that defines womanhood and womanhood that defines manhood. It is in the relationship that the definition can be explained.
It is as if womanhood and manhood actually do not exist on their own. At times, we observe disconnected relationships between a wife and a husband, or a sister and a brother, or a mother and a father, a mother and a son, a father and a daughter. In that state, we are no longer looking at a woman and a man, but simply human beings, who might as well be angels, where everyone are of the same sex!
That's when we have the angelic servant-master relationship between men and women, instead of co-partners. At times, men dominate women and at other times, women dominate men!
So a man is a man as long he is striving to restore his fallen relationship to women. And women can be women, only when they help restore men to their proper position before the fall.
The less encouraged the discussion of differences between men and women are, the more we see the growth of this modern single sex, angelic, anti-family culture.